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Babbling Book after getting hexxed? now he add a random shaman spell instead too
I swear, if i get Hex out of this card, i will use it on itself for the lulz
i really like this card, all shaman spells are good, minus like.. 1 - 3 of em not even though, definitely a must have in an overload deck too
Babbling Book meets Hex frog
You guys do realize...this card is Yogg after being hexed and removed from Standard?
No shaman spells are very powerful and if it weren't for the Overload effect they would be broken, example Lightning storm is pretty much a mages Flamestrike if you think about it lol it's not hard to get a little spellpower with your totems, is why ppl fear the Spell damage totem... because of the 3 mana flame strike shammies would have lol
i dont know maybe play this on turn one and Flametongue Totem on turn 2 and get a spell... this card is kind of meh.
Babbling Book is that you?
I hope this gets a Pavel reference in the flavor text.
This girl (?) is cute.
It's a cute little frog :)
Exodia shaman? Sounds bad, but probably still going to be better than freeze.
Maybe Hagatha + Freeze Sham ?
I'm not gonna lie this looks pretty bad. it's basicaly a babbling book except shaman spells are not that good and I'd rather it had an attack point than taunt... Beast tag could make a funny menagerie deck with a few murlocs and totems. Seems thats what blizz is going for here.
It's designed to mimic and synergy with Bewitch, but may be good in other decks as well depending on other new cards. Nice art Btw!
A really good Cryostasis target!
The funniest thing is that might actually work... Although I do not believe they will release more synergies for that archetype :)