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That's what I was thinking...
The text is in italics, so it isn't really "card text" but its more of an explanatory note to the player. In reality, it should just be a 3 mana 3/4 with the "All" tag, meaning that its tribe cannot be silenced.
I would say it keeps its tribes.
The actual text isn't actual text; it's in italics to provide an explanation.
Silincing Dr. Boom's warning that the bots may explode doesn't prevent the bots from exploding.
Is it also an egg?
egg is an implicit race, you won't get any advantage about it anyway, there is no egg synergy
Actually, egg is about to become an actual race isn't it?
gotta give around of applause to blizzard for this one. idea,design,art,flavour...everything is perfect my favorite card of the set.
buff to Sacrificial Pact though ...xD
this is a good card. again is not play early its mostly a card in your hand so it can synergies with your cards going to play.
So can you discover this to craft a zombeast with the Hunter DK ?
Yea. It's solid stats for price, but, at same time, makes whatever zombeast you build vulnerable to any tribal hate cards--so be wary of your matchup. Will be another interesting option to choose from.
But would the Zombeast be tagged 'All' or 'Beast' ? Not too sure, since the Zombeast takes the art of the last card selected or something like that.
to counter this you can use crab for murlocs, crab from pirates, the new dragon counter, sacrficial pact (?) etc. it isent very good
so they wont introduce new tribes from now on?
it dies to his own Totem Cruncher :(
Is this getting +3/+3 from Zoobot and +6/+6 from Menagerie Magician?
Also, can i draw two of these with The Curator?
From The Curator - yes, because it's all.
But from Zoobot or Menagerie Magician it gets just +1/+1 resp. +2/+2, because it triggers only once.
Wow, they finally made the first neutral totem.
Elemental : His "Fire" face
Mech : Yellow Right claw
Demon : Demon Horn / Wings(?)
Murloc : Big Humpback
Dragon : Lower Body(?) / Wings(?)
Beast : 2 Small hooves / Left side Fur
Pirate : Eye Patch / Pirate Hat
Totem : Left Arm