Loatheb was added in the Curse of Naxxramas Adventure. He is available from Wing 2 - The Plague Quarter which opened on July 29th, 2014, and is obtained after defeating the adventure boss Loatheb.
Adventure Guide
Need help conquering the Curse of Naxxramas Adventure to obtain Loatheb? Head on over to our Curse of Naxxramas Adventure Guide!
When does Naxx come out?
Naxx out?
My favorite legendary in this game still to this day. I think Loatheb was one of if not the best designed cards in Hearthstone, slapping him down on turn 5 against a mage or priest and watching them sit there dumbfounded was one of the best feelings as a Midrange deck.
my top 5 fav legendary
miss you bruh <3
Enemy Loatheb into my Kalecgos = the saltiest 0 Mana Pyroblast-Finish ever!
Naxx expansion cards are the bomb.
Was already changed with the last patch. Ixlid is no longer an elemental.
I have a feeling next year a few Wild cards will be rotated into Classic since with each new Hall of Fame rotation, there will need to be replacements for cards to keep the game fresh.
Rebuke says hi
as a rogue player i am happy you are gone.
love this card, I have craft it golden and I use it every
guys should i craft loatheb or other wild cards(including blackrock), or wait for ungoro to use my dust?
If you don't play standard then yes
otherwise it's better to wait for Un'Goro obviously
this is so true
miss you buddy
my bro
I miss Loatheb, oh so much.
Funnily enough, Loatheb interacts with Emperor Thaurissan's cost reduction below 0. If a Shiv gets its cost reduced four times 2-4=-2+5=3 it only ends up costing 3 mana, instead of 5.
This also works with Lazul's Scheme and any card that boosts damage.
Still waiting Blizzard's announcement moving him to the Basic set..