Kel'Thuzad was added in the Curse of Naxxramas Adventure. He is available from Wing 5 - The Frostwyrm Lair which opened on August 19th, 2014, and is obtained after defeating the adventure boss Kel'Thuzad.
- Kel'Thuzad can abuse the AI in many PvE boss fights when combined with a Taunt minion - the AI has no idea how to handle it and ends their turn!
- His effect activates at the end of turn phase, which means minions who die from other end of turn effects such from those found on Ragnaros the Firelord and Power Overwhelming will not be resurrected by Kel'Thuzad.
- Minions are returned to the board in the order in which they died.
Adventure Guide
Need help conquering the Curse of Naxxramas Adventure to obtain Kel'Thuzad? Head on over to our Curse of Naxxramas Adventure Guide!
I love this card.
WTF when you kill kel'thuzad he come back at the end of the turn ??? so the only way to kill him is with a silence ??
I want to abuse this card so bad... Conceal.. or Smash Shaman... heh.
This card will be soooo nerfed
I don't think so. If anything from Naxx gets nerfed, I'm pretty sure Loatheb will be the first. KT sounds ridiculously good, but once you really start thinking up which situations he will work great in and for what classes, you realize he's only great in and for a few of them.
EDIT: Like the guy in the comment below me states, it seems like more of a "win more" card, similar to Ysera. Dropping KT is not going to be an immediate win condition for anyone.
I think its too situational for it to be broken. It still will be fun to see some plays with it!
I think it's slow enough that it's not really going to break the game. We'll have to wait an see what happens after it's released though.
The youtube videos featuring this guy are going to be great.
What will happen if your board goes overboard? Which minions die, which live? Besides that question, this card is great and will probably reincarnate Deathwing... this will be fun. (In a Shaman deck cause of Ancestral Healing)
Yeah, it is a good question. Are the first to die or the last to die resurrected first?
Its great when you get a few KTs on the board and then thinks respawn endlessly =)
Hooooo boy, I cannot WAIT to throw this into my Stealthy Buff-Up deck.
I can see why you would think that, but no. What it actually does is give you that power on both players' turns.
At the end of the turn, summon all friendly minions that died this turn. Doesn't anyone read anymore?
Don't forget to keep in mind that Kel'thuzad's ability procs at the end of your enemy's turn as well! Think of the possibilities!
I think he's more of a Midrange-y card, and like Ysera he also seems like a "win more" card. We'll have to wait and see, but I don't think he'll be as effective as many people think. Not as powerful as Loatheb.
Not gunna lie... that effect sounds legendary. =P
Kel thuzad + any taunter like sunwalker wow that would be very nasty to deal with other player has to destroy the taunter for every turn .this card would be very good
Patient Assassin has been waiting for this card.
Lightning Storm,Fan of Knives,Arcane Missiles,Explosive Trap,Swipe,Hellfire.Knife Juggler,Consecration,Arcane Explosion,Holy Nova and 1000 other combinations to kill a 1/1 with stealth and you still think someone will play Kel'Thuzad without having these cards?
Was thinking of using Patient Assassin with Kel'Thuzad actually