Spice Bread Baker
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Battlecry: Restore Health to your hero equal to your hand size.
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The secret ingredient is love. And a LOT of butter.
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Battlecry: Restore Health to your hero equal to your hand size.
The secret ingredient is love. And a LOT of butter.
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Just what warlock needed. More insane healing...
This is not just for Warlock, pretty much every Control deck will run this.
Seems Hand Lock is getting some new toys. This is one of the Anetheron package cards and it will be a good refuel after the Backfires and Soul Taps to get a big demon from dark alley pact and an one cost Anetheron. I think it will be pretty good if we get more support for the archetype.
Just wanna make a note: round where I live, there's a drug called 'spice' going around that gets people absolutely messed up. This draenai is absolutely shoving that "spice" into that bread. I'm calling it.
That chef hat is beyond ridiculous in size. She must be stashing some bread up there for later.
Also, nice neutral healing for control decks!
its going to get value everytime, control seems to be a focus of this expansion and this will be a focus of it
Spice Bread Baker, Pandaren Importer and C'thun. You can go the spell voidflayer package. Or since most shadow spells are corrupt, you can play corrupt n'zoth priest.
Totally gonna play midrange n'zoth priest. With Benidictus Cumberbatch and heaps of spell generation. AAECAZ/HAgrIvgOb2AOd2AP+2wP83gPH4QPq4QP54wP76AOe6wMKk7oDr7oD3swD184D1N4D4t4D9N8D+98D+OMDmusDAA==
Antique Healbot 2! I love it!
heal cthun priest :)
Mage finally has big healing again!
Warlock will love this.
They love bread.
It's finally spicy! :).