The Demon Seed

Card Text
Questline: Take 12
damage on your turns.
Reward: Lifesteal. Deal 3
damage to the enemy hero.
Flavor Text
Just need some elbow grease to get this working. Oh, and your soul.
Questline: Take 12
damage on your turns.
Reward: Lifesteal. Deal 3
damage to the enemy hero.
Just need some elbow grease to get this working. Oh, and your soul.
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The Cancers Below level solitaire stupidity.
Can you ban this shit again?
A motherfucker just completed the whole questline by turn 4, what a fcking cancer XDD
Goodbye! You will absolutely not be missed!
Finally, we can play wild in peace!
Whoever designed this should be fired.
Maybe it would be better if damage was shared with the opponent instead of fully put on them?
Tamsen herself says "Share my pain" and the animation for both players is the same.
I think warlock had enough healing cards to still make it interesting!
Whoever plays this deserves to get a demons seed all over their face
The final reward for this should be "All fatigue damage effects your opponent instead" That way the Questline decks would be more Control focused decks. There wouldn't be as much reward for going full aggro Questline.
Eww man this is broken and turned at least wild to superfast. On T7 17 DMG from hand directly to face. And not even any combo except the questline itself of course. But that is really not a combo. Like Apothecary + summoner is combo
I foresee that this card / some other card gets tune. There can't other future variations.
Not that Hunter questline is much worse, easily 12 dmg from hand in single turn. Poor poor priest is useless in this meta.
Tamsin Roame's voiceline: "Haven't heard of me? You will."
And sure enough now we've got Blightborn Tamsin
This card has absolutely ruined wild for me. Every time I don't q into a warlock it feels like I've won the lottery.
This card was a mistake, especially in wild.
Unless you play some kind of hyper aggresive deck, you'll lose. Even after the "Nerfs" decks that run this can finish you off on turn 6/7.
I just hope this gets nerfed to the ground.
At this point I don't think a nerf will be enough. It needs to be banned from constructed just like Stealer of Souls did. The end reward breaks the core mechanics of the game, negating fatigue damage.
The questline needs to get banned from Constructed immediately. Not only is it completely easy to complete but the health loss is nonexistent and it breaks the core mechanics of the game, completely negating fatigue damage and making virtually every deck in Wild unusable unless you were also playing Quest Warlock. 73% winrate good god
EDIT: Thank god they listened and actually banned it. Seriously who thought this card was a good idea for the game?
Superboring questline. Way too fast and there are too many cards that "do not do real dmg". Compare to hunter questline where you need to do x times dmg with spells. Alot slower when you need multiple effects.
Quest finished between T4 and T7 and they are everywhere. Just gottta go for face dmg until this is resolved.
Crystallizer, fix would be lose life instead of deal damage as you take 5dmg and gain 5 armor, thats not real demon seed.
Everytime i play against this kind of decks, it remind me that this company doesn't deserve my money.
This may be very well the definition of a toxic card and playstyle; It's not only oppresive but it feels terrible to play against and the worst part is that it could be beyond salvation. Even if they nerf the heck out of the card increasing the amount of damage in every stage it will still feel bad; heavy changes to stealer of souls and the taking damage vs paying life concepts are needed in this game, Heck, even crystallizer and armor vendor with the damage through armor could be considered for a revision just because of this specific card.
I'm actually starting to insta concede when the opponent plays this card. What a BS.
This feels absolutely terrible to play against. Like, I know it's far from the best deck this expansion, but it's still a valid complaint when half my opponents are using it and it's just this awful. It's not fun to play against a deck with enough healing to fully restore their hp three times over.
And it just feels like terrible design to be able to force your opponent to fatigue the way it does, regardless of how strong the deck is.
I don't really see how it could be nerfed, and in fact it probably shouldn't and won't be, much like Tickatus, but god do i hate that I'm going to have to deal with this in standard for the next year and half.
I don't even really know how you'd make this fair.
Make both players take damage instead of just the opponent?
Really a card that puts Blizzard in a corner.
Regardless, the card is so good, all I see in ranked are warlocks now.
Grinds all the variety and enjoyment the game offers to dust.