Divine Favor

Card Text
Draw cards until you have as many in hand as your opponent.
Flavor Text
This is not just a favor, but a divine one, like helping someone move a couch with a fold out bed!
Draw cards until you have as many in hand as your opponent.
This is not just a favor, but a divine one, like helping someone move a couch with a fold out bed!
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most broken card in the game, pls delet
Your wish has been granted.
This card is really, really strong. Because of the abundance of aggro paladins in the form of Baku, Genn, Call to Arms and to a lesser extent, murlocs, this card can draw anywhere from 4-6 cards at a time, an effect normally reserved for 7+ mana. Hopefully when all the strong aggro cards rotate next year Divine Favor will be less of a powerhouse.
Can you frigging fix this card Blizzard. Can't see those aggro scru*s getting carried by this card over and over and over
They moved molten giant to wild but not this card? I can't even.
Once I though I finally thought I survived the Paladin's onslaught through decently skilled plays, keeping taunts up and gradually building up a board of a Twilight Drake or two and a Tar Creeper, he topdecks Divine Favor for 6 cards into Call to Arms where he gets two Argent Squire and a Shielded Minibot. Being sticky divine shield minions, I can only pop a divine shield and kill one, and I play another 5/6 and a Tar Creeper, and heal my face, try to stabilize, right?. He floods the board with two Lost in the Jungle, plays Sunkeeper Tarim and within two measly fucking turns, he went from an EMPTY BOARD and an EMPTY HAND and he creates a board of 6 3/3 minions and a 3/7 taunt WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY rendering my tempo and board state irrelevent because he can flood faster than me. Yes, Sunkeeper Tarim is a good card, and so is Argent Squire but the fact that Divine Favor can completely win a tempo-based match-up is way too powerful. Honestly, the way I played the game didn't matter because Sprint is a 7 mana draw 4, and Divine Favor is a 3 mana draw AT LEAST 4 if your hand is empty and you're playing against anything else other than a deck that dumps its hand completely. Should I really lose the game if I don't play an aggro deck?
How do they nerf Fiery War Axe and leave this alone? This card is soo much more OP
Daily reminder that this card is complete horseshit. My murloc paladin opponent had 2 cards compared to my 7 and I was at 22, he had like 3 tiny murlocs on board. Uses Divine favor to draw 6 cards, then next turn plays Warleader + Warleader + Bluegill for a stupefying 18 damage from hand
stupid card design
I hate this card sooooooo much, it's design is horrible
Please nerf this card, it makes people get cancer every time it gets stupid aggro decks so much value against control.... It enrages me every time...
They left this untouched...Just rename it to Ben's favor
Definitely needs nerf.
This card is OP as hell against control as it draws 7 cards, against midrange it draws about 4, against agro it draws 1-2. In paladin you can always get value out of this, this card should be scraped entirely as the concept of this card is deeply flawed.
Possibly the most poorly designed card in the game, OFC it had to go to Paladin
As someone who uses this card constantly, I have to agree that it is overpowered and needs balancing (will it ever happen? probably not.)
Going off of Arcane Intellect and Sprint, I have a couple of ideas of how they could do this.
1. Balance other Card Draw based cards around DF. This is very hard to do as DF can draw you anywhere from 1 to 10 cards, and would only really work if you were to increase the card draw of these cards by a good deal or decrease their mana costs, which is also walking a thin line. Possible Changes: Arcane Intellect = 2 Mana for 2 cards, Sprint = 5 Mana for 4 cards (5 Cards?)
2. Increase Mana cost for Divine Favor. 4 Mana for this effect would perhaps STILL be overpowered but would at least keep it more in line. Increasing the card to 5 Mana would probably kill it completely.
3. Alter the card's effect. My thinking is make it so the card draws you between 1-5 cards, either completely independent of the # of cards in your opponents hand, or having better chance at more cards the opponent has (And vice versa). This scale can be tweaked by those much more experienced at making cards balanced, but I think it may be one of the better options.
It's also worth noting that Arcane Intellect is a pretty weak card for it's cost already. Perhaps a combination of 2 and 3 would be good