Wailing Vapor

Card Text
After you play an Elemental,
gain +1 Attack.
Flavor Text
If you have The Vapors, your Humors might be imbalanced.
After you play an Elemental,
gain +1 Attack.
If you have The Vapors, your Humors might be imbalanced.
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necessary for shaman to have a fighting chance, a welcome addition honestly. let's hope this and primal dungeoneer are enough!
Looks fair. Will probably be broken and would be nerfed to a 1/2 within a month if Elemental Shaman was good. Which it's not. Will be good in Duels.
Scaling 1 drops are decent.
Wow, this and 3 mana draw 2 minion is all elemental shaman needed to be playable. Mark my words, this deck will be solid tier 2 deck!
1 mana 1/3's are always good & it's nice that shaman got it this run
I mean it's pretty good, but I think Elemental Shaman needed a 4 mana elemental. Most of the times you can't activate that frog elemental unless you play that awful 4 mana one.
Elemental Shaman runs Kazakus anyway
I mean, CURRENT elemental shaman, and it runs it because we don't have any good 4 mana elementals for activating the frog boy at 5. If we had good elementals, I'm actually not entirely sure if it would pay off running Kazakus.
Really good in an elemental deck. Decent even in a non elemental deck if you run cagematch custodian.