Shroud of Concealment

Card Text
Draw 2 minions. Any played this turn gain Stealth for 1 turn.
Flavor Text
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Draw 2 minions. Any played this turn gain Stealth for 1 turn.
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Perhaps but there is a diminishing return on card draw. Decks can only contain 30 cards and this is competing with a TON of strong draw rogue already has.
Do the two minions you draw get stealth, or any minions you play after playing this card?
Yes. I went here to check the comments for the same question.
From the wording I'd say its any minion played after this is played. Probably wanted a conceal style effect that wouldn't be busted.
as it turns out, it does not. Just checked a video from Danehearth where he played a Prize Plunderer right after Shroud of Concealment and it did not get stealthed.
Yep I learned through use also. It's just a draw 2 for 3 with very slight upside.
I hate it...
Dont rogues have enough draw?