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Wait so if you mulligan the quest, can you discover a second copy?
Nope, quests cant be "discorvered"
They can by priest cards that get random cards from a deck, Drakonid Operative can discover it from your enemy so this should be able to get it from your own deck.
The meta needs to slow down a fair bit for this to feel viable (turn 2 do nothing on the board is so tragic in an aggro world), but if it does... yeah not bad.
Can you discover another quest card if you mulligan the quest on the first turn?
>As mentioned during the reveal stream, while mulligan you can shuffle back your quest.
>Then you can discover it with this. Twice.
>And complete it again (maybe with N'Zoth, the Corruptor). Twice.
>And set your health to 40 three times each time throwing a 5 mana 8/8 taunt.
Aaaand... control matchups should be fine, Jades are waitin'
besides you can always discover this using this
Discover this using this is kinda tempo loss, because you basically use 2 mana for no change... makes sense only if 2 other choices are really bad...
This card is straight bonkers. 2 mana to discover a third Holy Nova, Shadow Word: Death, Dragonfire Potion, or even Potion of Madness is amazing. Don't think of it as a 7-mana Holy Nova; think of it as 2 mana to find the exact spell you need for any situation. Easily the best card revealed so far.
In what world can you afford to spend 2 mana for no immediate effect in order to hold back aggro? Are you referring to a situation where aggro gets a terrible mulligan and you can make hay by waiting them out?
In the world where Priest has sod all else to do on Turn 2 - a.k.a. the world after Dragons rotate. But it's a solid card, I think. Good against control, excellent in... I guess it's Kazakus Priest now, and fairly solid against aggro. Guaranteeing an AOE on turn 5/4 with the coin is well worth missing a hero power on turn 2 against Aggro.
I think it'll be meta-defining for Priest. Because you control how many/which spells go into your deck you're going to have a decent amount of reliability in what this card serves as. It also has the upside as serving often as a 2nd copy of Shadowform in a Raza/Kazakus Shadow deck pretty frequently.
If that's the case then you'll have to build your deck around it. But the idea is pretty clever imho.
Combo Priest now viable.
Noxious raises a good point in this video about this card; you're paying an extra 2 mana for whatever card you find, which makes it potentially not worth it. 7 mana for Holy Nova, for instance.
However, I think an old argument from M;tG applies here; I wouldn't pay 7 mana for Holy Nova 1-2, but I WOULD pay 7 mana for Holy Nova 3-4. The redundancy is amazing, even if the mana cost isn't. The ability to choose what you need when you need it (especially late game where the mana issues don't pop up as often) makes this a much more powerful card than it looks at first glance.
Of course, it will be harder to use in the late game because you will have already drawn most of your spells. You may need to play it in the early-mid game anticipating what you will need later.
2x Auchenai Soulpriest, 2x Embrace the Shadow, 2x Circle of Healing and 2x Shadow Visions actually might give priest a consistent way to board clear on turn 4.