Shield Slam
Card Text
Deal 1 damage to a minion for each Armor you have.
Flavor Text
"What is a better weapon? The sharp one your enemies expect, or the blunt one they ignore?" - The Art of Warrior, Chapter 9
Deal 1 damage to a minion for each Armor you have.
"What is a better weapon? The sharp one your enemies expect, or the blunt one they ignore?" - The Art of Warrior, Chapter 9
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This should remove your armor...
What you think about dust a golden Shield Slam and craft Primordial Glyph?
I love you Shield Slam
I think whoever says shield slam, execute and brawl are OP probably never played control warrior. Truth is, none of those are 1 card hard removal, most of the time. Execute often requires an activator, brawl usually leaves 1 enemy minion and can be played around, shield slam most of the time requires 3+ mana and another card to destroy bigger minions, especially if you start your turn with 0 armor, not an uncommon sight. At that point I'd much rather have hex which deals with any minion ever for 1 card and 3 mana and then you'd have a good way of dealing with deathrattle minions which CW is weak to. Playing CW requires good resource management or you'll simply run out of answers and cards real fast. Unfortunately people only remember moments where they played a slow control deck and their ysera got killed for 1 mana or they played hard into brawl.
If any other class had such a decent arsenal of survivability tools, maybe there would be more than 10% of control decks on ladder.
disenchanted 2 of these for random cards like Ram Wrangler when i was pretty new to the game, mistakes were made.
I think shield bash should consume armor from your hero equal to the damage it took to kill the minion. So, if I shield slam my opponent's rag, it takes 8, but if they have a 23/23 C'thun, it takes 23.
If it didn't even kill the minion you simply lose all your armor and deal damage equal to that.
I mean, after all, if you're bashing a guy with your shield it loses durability, no?
That's a real sound argument and very logical, but most people won't stand for it. They don't want to see their precious Wallet Warrior that they spent years building getting nerfed for a change even though this card is basically a 1-mana assassinate most of the time.
Really? only need one mana, no limit damage on minions and all targets.... op removal
1) up mana
2) need limit damage on minions
3) only on enemy minions.
This card is ridiculously overpowered if you compare it to all other classes' removals.
Most of the time it is a 1 mp Assassinate that doesn't bypass Divine Shield.
It also has the versatility of being an Enrage activator (mainly for Grommash Hellscream).
Even in the absolute worst case scenario (Armor Up! + Shield Slam with no armor), it is still 3 mp Deal 2 damage, Gain 2 armor, a slightly worse Bash. And let's be honest, how often does that actually happen? Not to mention, after playing Justicar Trueheart, the worst case scenario (Tank Up! + Shield Slam with no armor), is now 3 mp Deal 4 damage, Gain 4 armor, even stronger than Bash!
This card is essential for control warrior, If it's ever nerfed the deck would die.
Removing 8 armor to kill a 8/8 for 1 mp would still be really good, I would still play it in Control Warrior
Agreed. It should remove armor that is used to "bash". This card wasn't designed for when warriors could get 10 armor on turn 7.
golden animation is awesome!
op removal card
Not even talking about the golden animation and you still get downvoted.
holy moly pensaer can tell the future
bladed gauntlet
Why you and Paenser got downvoted? You're both right
Shield slam face for lethal 4Head.