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So I'm a little pissed off at Blizz. During their open applications for a junior card designer, they required applicants to submit a card idea. From my cover letter, dated May 28, 2016:
So, yeah. They lifted my card idea, didn't give me the job, and there's not a damn thing I can do about it. The contract I agreed to when I submitted my application gave them full rights to the content.
Reading this guy's whining is the only reason I come back to this card.
R.I.P Shadow Rager
not really good right now! not many stealth decks mostly rogue
I was hoping for more Flare effect cards. this answers it.
I love the art work on this card.
Go-go-gadgetzan Flare!
I'm happy you realize how crazy that card is
A good safety valve card. Miracle Rogue gets too powerful, this deals with the Gadgetzan Auctioneer. Beast Druid becomes a thing, this can disrupt the Stranglethorn Tiger into Menagerie Warden turn. Somehow Moroes breaks the meta, this card can fix it. There's needed to be an anti-stealth tech for a while, and this is as good as any. Just a nice card.
Okay, I really doubt anyone would actually use this as a silver bullet for Rogues. If you want to deal with Shadow Rager, you can just use any spell that hits random targets. It's good for dealing with a VanCleef that gets concealed, but other than that it's a decent pick for Arena and really nothing more.
Very nice to see anti-stealth that is accessible to everyone. With that said, it's pretty expensive. I'd rather see it priced at 2 or 3 mana, but if you already have a board, it could be decently effective.
The anti Stealth Rogue tech before it gets too strong.
Finally I can kill those god damn concealed auctioneers.
Do you ever actually play this to counter Rogues? At 5 mana you probably won't be able to kill them after they're unstealthed, and then next turn its like you didn't do anything...unless you have the board already, then this lest you trade normally...I still don't think (*hope*) you don't play him.
Finally a Shadow Rager counter.