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Learn more about Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
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Lame card, seems to come up in every other pack. Mechanic has nothing to do with the flavor of the card or set.
Well, in a world where Midnight Drake isn't played at all, I don't see why this card would see play in constructed.
This is a decent card but the 4 slot is very competitive. I don't think it is enough... I wish they modified it to be a 3 mana 3/3 with same writing.
What about Flesheating Ghoul?
I have no good reply for you except that is a very good comment. It is interesting that this card is a buffed reprint of a card placed in a different mana slot.
Flesheating Ghoul isn't played, is affected by enemy minion's death and is in a lower cost spot. It's better.
I feel people are underrating this card, although it has an ENORMOUS value in arena depending on your deck, it will be always a constant 5/4 menace that will grow proggresively.
How can we use it?
Hunter and Warlock are the most simpliest examples, as like, Hunter has access to Unleash the Hounds and Warlock can develop an enormous arsenal of small minions, combined with a few taunts, a powerfull and effective one should be Felguard or Hired Gun for control, we can even change its stats and make it grow even farther with a bigger menace with Crazed Alchemist orKooky Chemist, so this thing can grow a LOT, may be too slow and vulnerable, however, in the effective deck (Like Y´Shaarj on Barnes decks) can be demolishing, I think can see play, not as much as other values, however in general is a nice card to keep the control and also beign aggro, also, an easy combo and protector with token Druid, I think it will become a bigger thing in the future with this and the new cards.
The most easiest ones are Shadow Word: Death and Flamestrike, for the ones that are most played, however, also a Taunt deck will be weak against, since the tokens are gonna be that weak, this thing will bump into a wall of infinite taunts and will dies soon. Try to buff its health as priest, or put a wall of taunts with warrior, in wild, this is completely brutal in mage with Wee Spellstopper, unless AoE are involved, pretty effective with stat changes, like I said above.
Overall score for me: 7/10 in contructed and 7.5 in Arena. This card can have an incredible value and can go extremeadly wrong with it.
This could have been the Twilight Drake of Zoolocks.
I really like the idea of this having stealth.
All muscle and no action. Lets trouble makers in to kill all the friendly customers.
No taunt and a text that doesn't make sense with the context of the card.
Siege Engine all over again.
"I fight for my friends". The Ike of Hearthstone
Aggro card....
Decent 4-drop in Arena. Won't be used in Constructed.
Unleash the Hounds
Maybe in token decks? But probably finds home in aggro.
Flesheating Ghoul
I like cards like these. not too crazy just right.
"Stop killing all our customers, you guys! Or I'll have to kill you!"