Kill Command

Card Text
Deal 3 damage. If you control a Beast, deal
5 damage instead.
Flavor Text
"Kill!", he commanded.
Deal 3 damage. If you control a Beast, deal
5 damage instead.
"Kill!", he commanded.
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Every game against hunter I feel like I am one kill command away from death...
Such an iconic hunter card. Once you realize that you're playing against an aggressive hunter deck, you just have to constantly play around it. It's truly a terrifying card once you're under 7 hp, but there's nothing quite as satisfying as when your hunter opponents use a kill command to kill a minion instead of your face.
His artist actually has made the 2 in-game most aggro cards
reminds me of borderlands
Why is there a heart on his chest?
I love Gabe’s art for this.
How many beasts should you have in a deck? Top voted decks all have 15+ beasts, but I can fit only 10. Should I still try to run 2x Kill Command?
I can never figure out when to use this... It's always either weak or overkill.
Combos with your opponent's face.
This and Fireball are why I think HS is boring shit compared to MTG. Having to play around potentially 10/12 damage to face is silly design. It makes for shallow gameplay and limits your deck choices and decision making in certain metas. The only direct counter to them is Counterspell which only 1 of the 9 classes has access to. The only other "counters" is having a shit ton of beefy early taunts to defend the brainless early zerg face damage you will inevitably eat vs decks including these cards. Unfortunately the only good early taunt is Deathlord which has a drawback. I hope the next expansion includes better early taunts. Well, it needs a lot of things to make HS more interesting.
I feel that the Quick Shot is just a little better than this card but most of the decks runs two copies of each, so it is pretty nice to have more good removals (I know that this card was first).
The guy from Penny Arcade wrote about how he hates this card because he did the art for it and then gets killed by it all the time
huntard top decks skill command: MY APOLOGIEEEZ SMOrc
I love the card but I seriously hate the art. :/
best card of hunter
Kill Command x 2 are a reward for raising a hunter to level 10.
Golden Kill Command is a reward for raising a hunter to levels 49 and 50.