Tavish Stormpike
Card Text
After a friendly Beast attacks, summon a Beast from your deck that costs (1) less.
Flavor Text
"Hurry up, laddie, we're getting overrun! Serpents everywhere! They may look cute, but do ye see the fury in their eyes?!" —Tavish Stormpike
Turn 8:
Tavish Stormpike + Tundra Rhino - Tundra which may also be both cost reduced or called by Scarlet Webweaver.
Tundra attacks proccing Tavish into Infested Wolf
Wolf hopefully trades and dies leaving 2 spiders behind and calling Rat Pack.
Rat Pack trades leaving 2 rats behind and calling Scavenging Hyena.
At this moment you have 2 rats, 2 spiders, Tavish, Tundra and the Hyena.
Trade all rats and spiders to build a 10/6 Hyena that hits calling Sunscale Raptor hopefully buffed.
Don't forget you can play Dire Frenzy in any of these cards except Rat Pack, otherwise you will be left with no space on the board.
You can also play Kindly Grandmother that trades leaving Big Bad Wolf behind and bringing Timber Wolf.
Then Big Bad Wolf can both hit for 4 or trade bringing another Timber Wolf
I'm a simple man, he likes weet, i like him.
If good high cost beasts with rush are printed, this could be part of a funny combo in standard. But right now, the highroll is darmoon rabbit summoning King Krush.
guys, this card text make any sense? "summon a Beast from your deck that costs (1) less." its one or less card cost? any beast but it cost one less?
In WIld i see this into Brann on turn 10 when the Krush attacks it pulls Devilsaur
What are you talking about? It summons a beast that costs 1 LESS, not more.
With one Emperor Thaurissan tick, this + King Krush + Charged Devilsaur + Tundra Rhino + Gentle Megasaur + King Mukla + Duskboar = Rank 1 Legend
I don't understand the wording to this at all. Is this a permanent effect given all game once played?
No, man, it never works like that unless the card saids "for the rest of the game", like Goru or DR.Boom Mad Genius for instance.
This guy seems kinda busted strong, fortunately its legendary
This thing is disgusting. Viable on turn 3 and every turn afterward in beast-based tempo decks. Destination valuetown every time its pulled in creature heavy hunter lists. Heck to the f ya on this thing!
This + Dire Frenzy = boom
It's an amazing swing card except from the fact that to this point neither the hunter or the neutral pool of beasts contains playable 2-drops and 4-drops, which makes this pretty much non-usable. The only glimpse of light is the new upgradeable spell that summons rush minions in these spots. However the chain will end after 1-minion.
So, there are two ways to use this card: in a classical sort of midrange deck, where you barely even build around it and just take the occasional free beast as opportunity arises; and a deck built around this card where you use rush to get a cascade of beasts happening, as each beast uses rush or charge to pull the next beast in the sequence straight away.
So, (in standard), what can attack as soon as this thing pulls it out?
Honorable mention goes to Tame Beast (Rank 1), which can pull other beasts out, but cannot itself be pulled out.
So the best it seems we can do is (Tame Beast into) Trampling Rhino/Fleethoof Pearltusk into Mok'Nathal into Zixor into some two drop.
Turn 8 (very big hopeful play so don't take it too seriously) in Wild:
Tavish Stormpike into Tundra Rhino (who attacks)
Rhino activates Tavish's ability, pulling out Escaped Manasaber (who also attacks due to the Charge granted to it)
Manasaber activates Tavish's ability, pulling out Bad Luck Albatross (now 3 mana, who also attacks)
Albatross activates Tavish's ability, pulling Starving Buzzard (now 2 mana, who also attacks)
Buzzard activates Tavish's ability, pulling Sunscale Raptor or Dire Mole (drawing you a card with Buzzard)
this with rush beasts and Trueaim Crescent can be pretty good
Will cause ravish to attack before the beast