Soul Rend

Card Text
Deal 5 damage to all
minions. Destroy a card in
your deck for each killed.
Flavor Text
About as close to feeling guilt as a warlock's ever going to get.
Deal 5 damage to all
minions. Destroy a card in
your deck for each killed.
About as close to feeling guilt as a warlock's ever going to get.
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Destroy or 'discard'?
Hmm... cool, but probably doesn't have a place. Obviously zoo-style warlock decks have no use for a double-sided clear, and slower warlock decks don't really like losing cards from their deck, because with all the Life Tapping you're doing, you already fatigue much faster than most other classes.
Best-case for this card, it's run as an anti-aggro tech that's dead in your hand in any slower matchup. Worst-case, it remains forever in the shadow of Hellfire.
Destroying cards in your deck seem not that big of a punish and possibly a plus in fringe decks. Reads kinda sorta like a magic card
Fringe Mecha'thun deck slot filler or a legitimate card for King Togwaggle shenanigans? Brain hurt, uh. I refuse to believe this will see any play outside of these archetypes. If an enemy priest gets ahold of this card, however, this can spell a world of troubles for you, doubly so if they play Illucia/fatigue BS.
Great, a Warlock board clear that actually has some cost to it. So tired of them clearing anything without breaking a sweat.
Shoulda added a 5/4 body and made this a legendary minion. You're not going to play 2 of these.
It’s definitely great vs bomb warrior. Also, they combo very well with soul fragments.
Bombs are rotating, so they won't share the same standard meta.
Weird, like Cataclysm.
Fun fact. In Wild, it could be a cheap answer to Secret Mages.