Cannonmaster Smythe

Card Text
Battlecry: Transform your Secrets into 3/3 Soldiers. They transform back when they die.
Flavor Text
"Smythe, it's been a real blast serving the Alliance with you."
Battlecry: Transform your Secrets into 3/3 Soldiers. They transform back when they die.
"Smythe, it's been a real blast serving the Alliance with you."
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Well, Sword of the Fallen goes right into this nicely. Excited to try out versions of Secret Pally in both Standard and Wild!
Let me put it like this. Or you could not be a bronze 10 player and play the secrets the same turn as you play this. You know since Pally secrets cost 1 mana and all? So even just 1 secret is 6 mana 4/4 + 3/3 deathrattle cast a secret. So yeah, seems a lot less clunky than you're trying to make it to be.
Downvoted as requested.
Well you can't have OP legendaries all the time....
Still a great card to make a fun statement with
Let me put it like this. In order for this to work, you need to spend a turn playing at least 2 secrets. Hoping that your opponent won't proc any of those and then play him. Clunky at the very least.
Go ahead, downvote me. You can't make this card any better.
No, you need to have at least 2 secrets saved up on turn 7 or later and play them same turn before this.
I don't think its that hard to prevent opponents from triggering Paladin secrets, but without some secret support like Bellringer Sentry , Hydrologist , or Desperate Measures it probably wont be worth it.
If you are playing secret paladin, I doubt your opponent activates every single secret on the same turn. And you don't have to play it on curve.
For example even turn 7 with 2 secrets, it's 5 mana for 10/10 in stats.
Requires a lot of burst setup (paladin secrets trigger easy) to get a lot of use, sure you get them back but Id rather have 3-5 paladin secrets trigger in 1 turn most of the time.
Will prolly get more support so a wait and see but not a hopeful one
Those soldier better not be Silverhand recruits. Dude paladin is gonna be dangerous next rotation with the improved paly secrets. The support is more than present now.
they are not
Cannonmaster Smythe follows in a long tradition of trash legendaries for Paladin. If this were for another class, it would read, "Summon a 3/3 for every secret you have played this game..."
Not necessarily man. Being able to convert latent secrets into bodies on board that you can buff and rush with broom and possibly divine shield is exactly what paly is looking to do.
that would make jandice seems weak
Smythe is certainly weak. But Paladin has had a handful of decent legendaries.
Tirion Fordring, Sunkeeper Tarim, High Abbess Alura, Lord Barov, Murgur Murgurgle, Lady Liadrin, Ragnaros, Lightlord.
The effect is super interesting, but not sure I get the flavour of him being a cannoneer? Like, he's shooting the secrets from a cannon? And they come back somehow? I know I'm overthinking this.
And now that I'm thinking the effect, it really is pretty bad. I like the ethos I see behind this card. "Secrets are only useful on the enemies turn, what if we found a way to make them useful on your turn? Aside from stuff like "if you control a secret..." "
Petting Zoo is cheaper, and you get to retain the secrets and the minions together.
What about a 3 mana 3/3 that summons 2 1/1s per secret instead? Make it a wider play and more aggressive. 5 mana is kinda cumbersome, especially with the Secret requirement for this to have value.
He is one of the mercenaries?
Looks niche and memeish, but ho knows? At least Paladin has way better secrets in the core set now.
Love the idea behind this!! Very tactical and well thought out turns could lead to some great wins with this card!!