Card Text
Choose One -
Deal 5 damage to a minion; or 2 damage to all enemy minions.
Flavor Text
Is the sky falling? Yes. Yes it is.
Choose One -
Deal 5 damage to a minion; or 2 damage to all enemy minions.
Is the sky falling? Yes. Yes it is.
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Have to craft this golden card eventho i never see this play
Since when is it a warlock card ?
hearthpwn pls
At least, this card should be changed into "Choose One - Deal 5 damage to an enemy; or 2 damage to all enemies.".
Even then it would be a worse consecration or a worse fireball.
It boggles my mind that this card isn't 4 mana. I wish Blizzard would buff this card after nerfing Druid combo.
Shouldn't this be 4 mana? the choose one effect does make it have a little extra value but not that much. For four mana you can deal 6 damage with Fireball so deal one less but have an option isn't really overpowered. Also for four mana you can deal 2 damage to all including the enemy hero with Consecration, this for the the same cost would have the extra option but not damage the hero.
It is a weaker consecrate or a weaker fireball and while the versatility is potentially not worth a whole extra mana, when you look at druid and how it is structured it would simply be too good with that strong a 4 drop.
Hands down one of the best spell card animations. I mean it's so preeeety! :D
The main card game I play is Magic: The Gathering, so I have a bit of experience with modal spells. One of the few things that makes modal spells worthwhile is the versatility of it: often, the individual effects are actually unimpressive for the stats.
So this card. 5 mana Consecration or 5 mana (1 dmg reducted) Fireball. Spending 5 mana on conditional one-for-one removal is actually pretty bad. So we're mainly looking at the Consecration mode.
Does Druid need Consecration? They already have Swipe after all. And it is very rare they get to play both on the same turn, even with Innervate.
Honestly, I'm not sure. To me, Druid seeks board control through it's excellent minions with swipe doing cleanup duty, so having the "third" Swipe may lean too much on spell reliance and not enough on minions. But who knows? It does run Wrath, so maybe one extra spell wouldn't hurt - hard to see Starfall as a two-of.
Anyone using this in druid lately?