Faceless Manipulator
Card Text
Battlecry: Choose a minion and become a copy of it.
Flavor Text
The Faceless Ones are servants of Yogg-Saron, and they feed on fear. Right now they are feeding on your fear of accidentally disenchanting all your good cards.
Card Sounds
I think this card is fairly balanced? It's always used as an activator for combos, but it's pretty fairly stated. 5 mana for the effect is reasonable, and, while it rarely comes up, 3/3 is pretty terrible, so I'm glad it dies easily on it's own.
I just hate that I know I'm going to die whenever I see it
oh look, it's activision in a nutshell!
It's always sounded to me like this guy's play sound was saying. "Choose a minion". I know it's just gibberish, but I'm always able to make that out.
Fun fact: if you use Faceless Manipulator on a minion that you stole with Potion of Madness (and probably Shadow Madness too), the copied minion also goes back to your opponent at the end of the turn. I found this out the hilarious way.
Cards with "Manipulator" in the title just sound cool, like Icy Manipulator.
Ragnaros the Firelord + Faceless Manipulator = op
When this card first came out, did the flavor text initially reference Yogg-Saron? I thought the Old Gods were a new thing.
A pala just buffed a Boom Bot to 8/5 (or something like that) with taunt and divine shield using a million cards. Copied it with pride using 5 mana and 1 card :)
Really strong with the Anyfin Murloc paladin deck. I put two of those instead of the sludge belchers. Copying a charging Murloc is pretty sweet, because they come back with Anyfin as well.
No. He is a copy of the minion, but is played when the card is played - has to wait one turn unless the copied minion has charge.
And then it would cost 10 mana because it's unbalanced as hell
Think about it, copying a 20/20 C'Thun, having a 20/20 minion on the board AND dealing 20 dmg spread among all enemies for FIVE MANA?
To be fair if you had a 20/20 Cthun you've already won
it's a bug introduced in patch containing new adventure (and other bugs as well)
Should have been fixed for now.
Alien card .
T6 ThauRussian, t7 Rag face, t8 2x faceless, face again. I'm using Faceless in my CW and I recommend it for everybody. Also playing 3 Thaurissans is pretty fun, t10 Rag, Grommash, Taskmaster.
The hard counter to Face Hunter.