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This card was the ultimate underdog story. Regarded originally as the worst card in the game, but overtime, it rose from the ashes and became a staple for Silence Priest. In fact, it was this card and minions like Humongous Razorleaf that made this card actually viable.
One of the best songs from st.anger.
Did we ever get that Unicorn Priest deck?
Never forget
Silence priest*
This card is the greatest underdog story of the whole game. Originally was considered a meme card and the worst card in the game, worst then Magma Rager. But then, with the release of Journey to Un'goro, this card is now a really good card. Silence Priest is now actually a thing, and I couldn't be happier.
Good job Blizz for indirectly buffing this with cards like Humongous Razorleaf
And to think people shit on this card when it was originally announced
LMAO this card is actually seeing play in constructed and even tournaments now!
Those 51 people who voted "Very Good"
The only redeeming quality about this card is the golden animation is pretty sweet :P
As the almighty psaer said: "I like golden animation"
most loved/hated card?
Well, the deathwing barnes synergy might be coming back. I hear deathwing's actually okay now, with all these huge minions.
and in the next adventure there will be mass purify: silence your own board draw 2 cards for 10 mana
Blizzard gave up on purify priest completely with MSG. What does it mean?
This card sucks - and even they got it
This card, along with Flamewreathed Faceless and Yogg-Saron, Hope's End, is the scapegoat of Hearthstone.
have you stuck around long enough to see new priest cards?
I FOUND THE WAY TO MAKE PURIFY GREAT!!!!!!! Crazed Alchemist a 2-health enemy Corehound. Cabal it. Next turn you PURIFY IT and hit them for 12 XD Works like a charm!!!!
all decks are viable if you are rank 20