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And....he is back in standard!
He just wants to cast spells guys dont be so harsh with your reviews.
I wanna cast a spell!
Gotta love that turn one rng
guys i believe this book. and pray everyday. sometimes gives pyro sometes frozen a minion...
Disgusting in the arena. Gave me pyroblast 2-3 times on my last run and helped me go 12-2.
Not one comment says what wing or boss this card comes from. Anybody got the answer?
Mage challenge in Kaz...
Pretty sure it's available after completing "The Menagerie" (3rd wing).
Best Mage 1-drop N/A
Reasons to play reno mage? To play babbling book, get pyroblast, close game with it !
Thanks for the new wallpaper!
This is my favorite card in the game. Catchy sounds, nice artwork, and often times RNG is in my favor. :D
The Holy Bible!
pavel could have just put polymorph in his deck. and he could have won anyways. and if he didnt find poly from the book he would ve lost. so yeah this is only good against aggro, because against control you can just put the spell you want. although its still a 1-1 body that can potentially push for more damage and tempo mage is an aggresive deck too so.
What if he already has 2 polymorphs? Or he's using Reno?
Uhh than frivolously use your extra poly just because, also duping your opponent into believing their big drops are safe. Babbling Book comes out waaaay before Reno is relevant, you can burn any spell that proves to be a duplicate with abandon.
Option A: Put Babbling Book in your deck, spend 1 mana for a 1/1 and flip a coin to get either a useful or trash spell.
Option B: Just put a useful spell in your deck.
So could anybody, please, explain to me why you would EVER put this card in your deck? Like, i really don't fucking get it?