Flametongue Totem
Card Text
Adjacent minions have +2 Attack.
Flavor Text
Totemsmiths like to use the rarest woods for their totems. There are even rumors of totems made of Ironbark Protectors.
Card Sounds
Adjacent minions have +2 Attack.
Totemsmiths like to use the rarest woods for their totems. There are even rumors of totems made of Ironbark Protectors.
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Why hasn't this card been moved to the hall of fame yet? Remove this card from standard please
Now Even Shaman cannot snowball you that easily. Finally.
This should probably have Overload (1) for the insane value it gets, or be a 0/2.
It's the reason you can't ignore random totem spam.
Card is busted in zoo decks.
Best card in game.
Make this card insanely heavy so shaman cannot draw until last two cards in the deck.
Is that you, Dark Archon?
Devastating with any kind of divine shield minion, and really useful to annoy your opponent with the hero power :)
There's a reason this one is in nearly 75% of all shaman decks. This card rocks.
I wrote that a year and a half ago. It was a very different meta back then.
What about now?
Flametongue Totem x 2 are a reward for raising a shaman to level 4.
Golden Flametongue Totem is a reward for raising a shaman to levels 43 and 44.