Don't Feed the Animals

Card Text
Give all Beasts in your hand +1/+1.
Corrupt: Give them +2/+2 instead.
Flavor Text
They're still cleaning up the mess from the last time someone fed the basilisk a deep fried candybar.
Give all Beasts in your hand +1/+1.
Corrupt: Give them +2/+2 instead.
They're still cleaning up the mess from the last time someone fed the basilisk a deep fried candybar.
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Who remembers when paladin had this at 1 mana? You more or less have to corrupt it to make it worth it on paper. This could hit Zixor prime, king crush, stonetusk boar, or any number of other rush minions to be fairly good so I'm torn.
No clue how to utilize this. Stonetusk Boar maybe? Eh?
at 1 mana would see play, at 2 I'm going to guess no unless there is a combo we don't know.
You just can't win as a hunter if you play slow cards like this, got to push for the face boys
Ooh, could this revive my BoarTK deck? Probably not, but I can dream.
I see potential, I love pure beast hunter. Plus I always saw potential in hand-buffing.
Seems terrible, super bad card.
It's like Smuggler's Run, but worse because only give to beasts.
The 2+/2+ might make it usable
Secret Beast Hunter is going to be quite powerful with cards like this.
Realy powerful to play right after Master's Call