Ring Toss
Card Text
Discover a Secret and cast it. Corrupt: Discover 2 instead.
Flavor Text
If you liked it, then you shoulda put a ring on it!
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Discover a Secret and cast it. Corrupt: Discover 2 instead.
If you liked it, then you shoulda put a ring on it!
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Feels like trash/filler, but may serve a purpose in a different kind of Highlander Mage in standard.
Arcane Keysmith anyone?
i like this card, secret secrets.
I don’t understand the flavor. What does the card text have to do with the picture?
I would imagine the ring toss will show a corrupted picture when its active the first corrupt cards change.
Nothing. Just like most of this expansion's completely forced flavor for cards. This whole expansion is filled with them.
This is very good, a stronger version of Arcane Keysmith -
you don't get the 2/2 body but the corrupted version well compensates..
The value is there IF you get both secrets off of it. But being able to discover secrets you already have up reduces the viability, and the card is really bad in its unupgraded form.
I definitely wouldn't call it "really bad," is literally 1 more mana for the discovery effect, so it's no worse than discovering a secret off of Magic Trick, and IF you DO upgrade it, it's great. Not to mention you can get it back from new Y'Shaarj.
As S0lus said, it's essentially paying 1 more mana for the discovery. So the 3 mana for the secret plus 1 for discovery is fine. Plus, keep in mind you're picking and choosing for the situation/matchup your in which is a fairly strong effect to consider. While you can't guarantee you'll get that one secret you want, you have a good chance of pulling the one you want. And then the value on this is just kinda nuts if it's upgraded. Disovering 6 mana worth of secrets and just putting them into play. On top of that, you shouldn't be playing this while you already have more than 2 secrets up as is. The ones you have up should already be protecting you. If you find you keep getting offered all 3 of the same secrets you already have up then that's not the card being bad. You're just not playing the card right.
I can see this being a very nasty card in Wild for Secret Mage. Cloud Prince or KBC could easily give it the trigger. Also can be triggered by Aluneth.
A turtle made it to the faire...only to get corrupted
And just look at that adorable face of his! He's so happy and excited to be helping.
in C'thun Spell mage. Incanters flow for a 3mana Ring toss.
If discovering and casting means I get a copy of the secret(s) in my hand too, then it's better than it sounds.
No, the spell cast it. Secretkeeper doesn't get bigger. Its an acane keysmith without the 2/2 body. Ps if it said equip instead then i can get 2 ice barrers or flamewards
I'm still a little confused about this as compared to arcane keysmith which reads "put it into the battlefield" this reads "cast", leading me to assume were you to choose Ice Barrier for example you'd immediately gain 8 Armour?