C'Thun, the Shattered

Card Text
Start of Game: Break into
pieces. Battlecry: Deal 30
damage randomly split
among all enemies.
Flavor Text
My grandfather's deck has no useless cards!
Start of Game: Break into
pieces. Battlecry: Deal 30
damage randomly split
among all enemies.
My grandfather's deck has no useless cards!
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My awakening brings a new age. Pray to your gods, that your pleas may go unanswered.
Same old classic stats... 6/6... How about we turn that boring statline into a 16/5?
Where is the "?
Poll: What do you think about this card" ?
Bumping so it's on page 1 instead of page 3
I'm getting inconsistent performance with Even Hunter.
I put the card in there, sometimes Genn isn't activated, leaving a 2 mana Power. It's 50/50.
Anyone else get this bug?
Same here. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
So Genn Greyman and new Cthun trigger at the same time, with which ever is closer to the top of the deck triggering first.
So if Cthun is closer to the top of the deck, it will invalidate Genn.
In wild, this guy slots nicely into so many decks. Completely ignoring his battlecry, his body parts provide good control cards that many decks are often lacking. I've put him in several decks he shouldn't feel right in, and it just works. Awesome card, crafted golden and no regrets.
I know he was such a good addition to my Silver Hand Recruit deck. It adds spells that I otherwise wouldnt have in the deck, plus I also have another "win condition" if the game manages to go long enough for me to play the final card!
Useless in current meta, i think Battlecry effect should be deal 35 or 40 damage
Draw all 4 card and play them and they are cost 5 mana and C'thun goes back to deck and pull it again and it deals only 30 omg it's not worth it.
Most decks took a lot more cards to pull off 30 damage with the old C'Thun, and he wasn't a bad card. 30 damage is fine, especially since his 4 body parts aren't useless.
Nice effect. I really like it. But why the old classic vanilla statline??
Spice things up and make it a 8/5.
I just experienced my first "draw" match in hearthstone ever because of this card!
I'm assuming this C'Thun doesn't get buffed or work with the WotOG C'Thun cards?
First deck I’m going to try. Control shaman with lady Vashj, Cthun and maybe throw in a Yogg.
The golden artwork is so goddamn creepy.
I pulled a golden version of this dude. Looks solid!!
You can't go above 10 mana. So using a Lightning Bloom before will still keep you at 10
Use the hero power then play lightning bloom. You'll go from 10 -> 8 -> 10 and can play C'thun
Anyone knows if Doomcaller works with this card ? :D