Soul of the Forest

Card Text
Give your minions "Deathrattle: Summon a 2/2 Treant."
Flavor Text
"Reforestation" is suddenly a terrifying word.
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This is going to get Hall of Fame'd isn't it?
I play it in my egg druid in wild. Absolutely amazing card. Haunted creeper summons two spiders. Living roots summon 2 1/1 roots. I easily get to use this on 5-6 minions on board making it insanely terrifying. Now if you opponent uses aoe they will summon even bigger and better minions so its a dilemma for them how to get rid of my board
very situational cause it's 4 cost spells, and hoping to have at least 3 minions alive on board. but good combo for savage roar.
I wonder if spells that give a minion Deathrattle (Ancestral Spirit, Soul of the Forest, Explorer's Hat) will cause a non Deathrattle minion to count as a Deathrattle minion for the purpose of N'zoth?
To my great disappointment, the golden version does not summon golden Treants :'(
(which actually feels a bit odd, given how usual Golden cards work when spawning minions)
I have a hard time using this card. I want to include it in all my decks but it feels like it only helps me win faster and never saves me from a loss. It either wins me the game or sits in my hand.
I just got absolutely mega-wrecked in a game I had no business losing by the dark wispers + soul of the forest combo... I nearly died of a salt overdose
Hey, one time I was playing Priest vs. Ramp Druid and used Thoughtsteal, stealing Nefarian and Savage Roar. Later, I played Nefarian and pulled Dark Wispers and Soul of the Forest... I nearly crapped my pants.
Needless to say, he lost.
It took me a while to find a deck for this card to work well in, but I finally got a decent deck going with this and it's a lot of fun. If anyone's interested: decklist!
Does it overwrite existing deathrattles if you for example use it on Sylvanas or does it just add another?
Contrary to popular belief. this card does not suck <snip>