Mana Wyrm
Card Text
Whenever you cast a spell, gain +1 Attack.
Flavor Text
These wyrms feed on arcane energies, and while they are generally considered a nuisance rather than a real threat, you really shouldn't leave them alone with a bucket of mana.
Card Sounds
The most inexplicable nerf to date. I can't remember a time when this card was ever considered a big problem; it's never been anywhere near the power level of mid-2016 Tunnel Trogg. If anything, they should have nerfed the card that gives Tempo Mage such powerful draw power — there's no universe in which Stargazer Luna should cost less than Gnomish Inventor.
They have to change Red Mana Wyrm's flavor text now...
I'm not going to say i'll miss this card, but the nerf was quite brutal. Now it is too slow and too weak. It also faces serious competition as mages have other really good 2-cost minions (mainly Sorcerer's Apprentice and Arcanologist). It is definitely the weakest option for that slot. If played on curve, it will enter the battlefield doing nothing and will require many other cards before it becomes a threat. By that point, the other player most likely has already killed it or have the means of doing so. The card isn't unplayable like some people say, but it isn't a very good choice anymore.
Rip 2013-2018
Aviana was nerfed.
Giggling Inventor was heavily nerfed.
But increasing a 1-mana minion's cost to 2 completely guts it and renders it unplayable. It puts the card at straight-up trash tier, no matter what it did. RIP Mana Wyrm.
No one is going to play Mana Wyrm seriously ever again, unless a Mage deck chock full of 0-cost cantrip spells somehow becomes a thing.
Less health would have made it easier to remove. 0 attack would leave it vulnerable without spells and would slow down its threat a bit. "Until end of turn" would have also been an actual nerf.
Blizzard just straight-up deleted a card that was in the classic set since its inception from the game and it wasn't even worthwhile in every Mage deck. I can't not call that bad game design. Good luck making up for that one, Team 5.
inb4 in the next expansion epic rarity MANA WYRM 2 ELECTRIC BOOGALOO
I think the nerf for Mana Wyrm is ok but Giggling Inventor is dead forever
The nerf that everyone was waiting years ago has come...
R.I.P. Mana Wyrm 2013-2018
You will be missed.
honestly this card should be a 1/2. Theres almost nothing i can do against two of them protected by Mirror Images and early spells. By far the strongest 1 drop in the game.
The mage equivalent of Tunnel Trogg that people do not complain about and that will stay with us forever (fuck me).
How has this never met the nerfhammer...
Battlecry: If this is played on turn 1 and your opponent can't clear this on the next two turns, win the game.
full art reminds me of the picture where a kardashian photo-shopped her daughter out of her selfie, since they seemingly removed the girls hand in the card
Wait, wasn't this a dragon at some point!?
if you don't remove it fast it will kill everything you ever loved
Nice art :D
What was it? =(
i love that card, crashed some opponents simply with 2 6:x wyrms
I played against 20 mages in a day. Every single one of them started with this card in their opening hands. So I thought blizzard made a special condition for this card like "If a deck contains Mana Wyrm, it certainly will be opening hands of every match".
Then I said "good. nice feature. i want to try it". And I played 30 games with tempo mage deck which includes this card. Every single one of them had this in last 10-15 cards. I didn't even get once this in my opening hand.
The odds of that situation happening is 0.000000000000000003247%, so I'm gonna go ahead and assume it was an exaggeration. I have the same feeling, though.