Tinkmaster Overspark
Card Text
Battlecry: Transform
another random minion
into a 5/5 Devilsaur
or a 1/1 Squirrel.
Flavor Text
Tinkmaster Overspark nearly lost his Tinker's license after the Great Ironforge Squirrel Stampede of '09.
Card Sounds
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What is Tinkmaster doing with his left hand? Is he creating the "overspark"?
A great help against the current Big Priest problem we face now in wild. I love it!
Yap, pretty good at the moment.
I am on rank 4 ,4 Stars (eu) and face a lot of Hadronox Druid .
Also there are a lot of slow decks out there , and OTK decks to counter those. Usually you have the board against these decks simply by heropowering (playing midrange Paladin). So it’s very likely you have the board, and the chance to transform your token into a 5/5 on turn 3 (on turn 4 Shaman plays Chaingang, before that they often don’t do a lot) .
this card should be epic. because as long as blizzard doesn't remove the beast tag from hadronox, we need two of these. witching hour is way more broken than old brann doomcaller c thun combo.
to think I almost dusted it when I pulled it. Thanks for the advice!
Oh my god. I don't believe it. The Witchwood with the Odd Mage decks has made Tinkmaster good again. Every Odd Mage deck I see uses Tinkmaster since they can't use Polymorph, and the funny thing is HE'S WORKING!
Man I'm so glad I never dusted him. Welcome back old friend.
Some Control Warrior lists seem to be running him too, not a bad tech at all, even vs aggro, the burden of not being able to play this card isn't THAT high, much like saving silence.
I opened a golden version in a TB pack a couple weeks ago and I absolutely love him.
I wanted to show this guy some love so I made him a nice Golden Picture frame....and how does he reward that appreciation? With a string of poorly timed Devilsaurs :p
my first legendary.... still have him in my collection to this day....
First Legendary, and my favourite card in the game. Currently using this guy in Paladin for the memes. Turning a Silver Hand Recruit into a Devilsaur is pretty darn good. Also, the Squirrel is super cute. Just look at it.
actually good card in some situations, against sylv / ysera / rag or ...ect
u just need to know how to use this free hex
crafted this guy today
you must have a lot of dust lying around
This guy is a god. One of my favorite legendaries, probably just behind Medivh, the Guardian.
I had to pick this in arena since the other choices were majordomo and boogeymonster, and he polymorphed a rag so I still got value ^_^
underrated card, can fit in most decks as a pseudo hex and it comes with a minion. or in shaman and paly you can get yourself a devilsaur
This guy was one of the first legendaries I pulled from a pack. He went to the dustbin to help me craft a Sylvanas Windrunner
My second favourite legendary after Lorewalker Cho. I am legit serious. For CW players out there, craft this guy, craft it golden if possible. Seriously. Massive value. Needs nerf actually.
Dusted it after making Devilsaurs for the opponent in 5 consecutive games, along with Felguard.
With the dust, I crafted more useful cards which were missing in my collection. Still have enough dust for another 40 dust card, and after those balance updates, I will have more.