Safety Goggles
Card Text
Gain 6 Armor.
Costs (0) if you don't
have any Armor.
Flavor Text
Remember, always be safe in the lab to mitigate injuries! *painfully snaps goggles onto face*
Gain 6 Armor.
Costs (0) if you don't
have any Armor.
Remember, always be safe in the lab to mitigate injuries! *painfully snaps goggles onto face*
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This will have a similar use to the one that Desperate Prayer had near the end of its run in standard: As a 0 mana spell to extend your life total when you are reasonably sure you will be fighting extremely aggressive decks.
0 Mana gain 6 armor is extremely overtuned.
insane activator. i remember when 0 mana cards basically did a single hero power's worth of effect: wisp, moonfire, target dummy, pounce, now ancient totem is a bit better.
this is three hero powers. will go great with sanitize (sticking around) or shield slam or whatever.