Card Text
At the end of your turn, deal 1 damage to all enemies.
Flavor Text
Let's be clear about this: ACIDMAW is the sidekick.
Card Sounds
At the end of your turn, deal 1 damage to all enemies.
Let's be clear about this: ACIDMAW is the sidekick.
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the effect happens at the end of your turn.....
After GvG control hunter just barely didn't make the cut, it could crush most control decks, had a pretty fair chance against midrange, and got decimated by aggro. When I look at Acidmaw and Dreadscale I see 1 card that screams anti control and the other that screams anti face decks. Dreadscale is clearly the anti aggro/face card. In many ways this card is exactly what control hunter needed to have, a way to stop decks like Face Hunter from killing it before it could ever get to late game. The reason that control hunter was never able to beat aggro was because there never was enough room to fit any kind of healing into the deck because you had to run a lot of cards that comboed for removal. The combos I am talking about were things like Wild Pyromancer + Arcane Shot for a 3 mana removal + 1 damage AOE, Hunter's Mark to combo with Wild Pyromancer, Steamwheedle Sniper for 2 damage removal, etc. While I think that many of these cards still have a good chance of being in a control hunter deck, it feels like there is a much lesser need to run 2 of most of these cards. Dreadscale means that you don't need as many spells to combo with Wild Pyromancer (which I would expect would only be a 1 of if you are running Dreadscale) meaning that you likely then have room for either a Antique Healbot or Bolf Ramshield. In addition to making room for much needed heals it also has the benefit of comboing with Acidmaw for late game board clears and being an activator for Gahz'rilla (Since Gahz needs to stick for one turn anyway it means that your opponent needs to either sacrifice their board to deal with the 12/8, kill it will 2 or 3 spells, or silence it making it a 6/8. no matter what they do it is hard to deal with it)
Even if control hunter ends up fizzling Dreadscale still has potential in midrange hunter in certain metas. Paladin has always been a horrible matchup for midrange hunter due to it being hard to deal with the silver hands and deal face damage at the same time, you always had to either choose to ignore the silver hands and then lose to Quartermaster, or deal with all the Silver hands leaving you with no minions to attack face and running out of steam. Dreadscale is a really good way to deal with the silver hands and still have your other minions attack face. It is the same thing with face hunter, it is really hard to kill their minions and still deal enough damage to their face to have a chance to race them. Dreadscale gives you 2 turns to try to out race them since as midrange hunter all your minions have 2 health and Face hunter won't trade.
Over all I have a lot of hope for Dreadscale andAcidmaw
It would be interesting if it had a different animation if Acidmaw were on the board...
This is a cool card! Very different from other hunter cards, nice 3 mana cost as well, would be interesting to see what people come up with using this card. It does look fun :)
This might actually be good in a control hunter deck along with the other card and double unleash the hounds.
There you have a few board clears along with the other removel already available for hunters.
I think in the future there will come a more control style of hunter deck and Dreadscale will sertainly be a part of that.
Yay!!!!! Go Gahz'rilla!!
a 10 mana board clear that will leave only dreadscale on the board
Both will survive.Becuz it said on Acidmaw that when another is damaged not a.
ohhhh thanks. did not notice that.
Also then someone can damage dreadscale, acidmaw then destroys it, then they kill off Acidmaw that has 1 health.
Yes and has insane combo with Acidmaw on turn 10 or 7 if it stays alive.
good point
anyone realize this guys is the baby Acidmaw
Control hunter incoming, great, Rexxar is surely happy that he will get more brain in his plays.
No, only Hunter got 2 new legends, because according to the devs "They are inseparable" or sth like that
You don't need to craft both of them. Sure you'd have a 10 Mana board clear, which already is expensive. But I think this card alone is decent enough to deal with the small chumps(any 2/1s, haunter creepers spawns etc.) on its own or as mentioned to serve as a "helper" to get Ghaz'rilla started ramping up with its damage.
We all know that the Mad Bombers will always kill Dreadscale
Cool anti aggro card, kind of ironic it's in a Hunter deck though.
great 3 drop for midrange kills aggro paladin and face hunter
The Death Knell for Face Hunter quickly approaches. This is going to make a lot of Zoo deck fans cry like little schoolgirls.