- When burned, through a card like Fel Reaver or because your hand is fill, the damage is not dealt. It needs to be discarded from hand. (Source)
When you play or discard this, deal 4 damage to a random enemy.
* Not actually Jaraxxus' fist.
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The ultimate BM is to double Soulfire your face to discard 2 Fist of Jaraxxus to your opponent's face.
Not with my skills.
Fist of Jaraxxus sounds like a fan made card with a name like that...
This will be absolutely amazing in a warlock rush deck with doomguards, where instead of being a "discard" it's a "cast this spell for free" mechanic.
Absolutely powerful.
Yeah it doesn't work with Fel Reaver. I made the list prior to that confirmation. Just sub out the Fel Reaver's for Leeroy and a Mortal Coil.
that is not archimonde, it is jaraxxus after he has been in the sun too long, it turns him blue.
i like it atleast now succbus is not complete rip
Call me crazy but... Fist of Jaraxxus = Archimonde?
It's okay, im pretty sure the average hs player wont notice. but still step up your game Blizz!
It's funny how few people notice that Stampeding Kodo is a Clefthoof.
Or Malygos is actually Kalecgos.
Or Shattered Sun Cleric uses the only official artwork for Lady Liadrin.
It's a pity that it isn't "always discard that card", Jaraxxus and Alexstrasza were 2 cards to be most likely discarded in handlock then I must say I appreciate the irony
This is so bad.
Even if you can control which cards you discard, and even if you have two of these to discard perfectly controlled, these aren't worth card slots in your decks. It's a 4 mana flamecannon meaning it's borderline un"playable", and even if you get it for free you would need an empty hand with this or just pray to RNGesus that you're lucky.
Maybe I'm wrong, maybe this will see constructed play, but I don't see it.
Let me help your eyesight. It's damage to a random enemy so that also includes the hero. So couple this with Malygos, soul fire and that seems to be a lot of face damage potential.
It might just be a flame cannon in some instances but a Flamecannon when you play Doomguard
Not even considering the mana costs, this card seems way too inconsistent to use in constructed. You're obviously not going to play these from your hand, so you have to discard these, meaning you will need to empty your entire hand in order to control the discards, and then get a free flamecannon effect that is actually usually worse than flamecannon because it can hit the enemy hero as well. If flamecannon was able to hit face then it would be utter trash.
Not only that, but you're describing a dream scenario which is purely RNG. You would need to only have these when using soulfire and the current malygoslock does not usually have only these due to tapping similar amounts as handlock.
These are just some of the negatives that I could think of, but even if this card had a good enough effect, I don't think this card is worth a card slot. I'd much rather fill these slots with more impact full cards that don't sit dead in your hand for half the game.
Well thank you Debbie Downer!
There used to be a lot of dream scenarios - 4 mana Leeroy Rogue for instance - but they happened. Then they started to be used. And then they worked which is why we have Handlock, Freeze Mage, Fatigue Druid, Mill Rogue and others.
I made Hobgoblin work in a competitive deck and I will be buggered if I won't at least try this out as I see potential. That potential may not work out and that's OK but there is more than 1 deck out there now that relies on the right draw at the tight time. Oil Rogue springs to mind.
I just hope there will be more "if this card is discarded" cards for warlock. This card already seems promising
We'll also need more dicard cards, something interesting would be a 1 mana discard 2 cards and draw another one, feel the combos.
IKR the discard mechanic needs more love T^T