- When burned, through a card like Fel Reaver or because your hand is fill, the damage is not dealt. It needs to be discarded from hand. (Source)
When you play or discard this, deal 4 damage to a random enemy.
* Not actually Jaraxxus' fist.
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No , i think you need to discard it from your HAND. Like Soulfire does.
I was kinda hoping it does do that it activates when the oponent mills you. sadly as Nadeclan mentioned it does not.
Hire this guy Blizzard!
Can find a spot in a malygoslock
<------- Jaraxxus
<--------- Archimonde
<---- fail naming
more of a case of fail art. surely they could've run it through photoshop or something and made the art red.
To be honest... Jaraxxus' card art was taken from Kurzon the False from the wow tcg.... so, every Jaraxxus art in Hearthstone is a FAIL!!!
The Malygos art is still Kalecgos, I doubt they'll change it.
And Mal'Ganis' art is actually Varimathras,
Also Ogre Magi's art is Mogor the Ogre
Toshley's art is also wrong, but i don't remember who's art it is.
Yeah but jaraxxus is IN the game already, in card AND hero form, so it shouldn't be too hard to be consistent with the errors :p
Good card. I hope we also get better ways to discard cards.
It would be something like those pesky Madness decks from Magic
LOL, that's true! Madness warlock would be awesome
DeathwingFist of Jaraxxusx2 = destroy all minions and 8 dmg to face
You must have been rank 20 for almost 2 years because that's what a rank 20 or around 10 would play. kek
Im not sure this would work like that, if i'm correct, the discard effect will happens before minions' destruction, forcing this card to be played with minions on the board...
That's not jaraxxus...its archimonde ,blizzard is a bit lazy of making it called "fist of archimonde"
That was Jaraxxus when he was young in the twisting nether.
If you played WC3, you should know Eredars can be blue, red and purple and they have different names, so that guy on the picture could be anybody.
In Warcraft lore no one ever witnessed an Eredar lord changing color.
This is a big fail of Blizzard. Jaraxxus = red, just like Archimonde = blue and Kil'jaeden = red.
Really cool card. I dont think it's that particularly good, but I like the design, buffing cards like deathwing and succubus dont really see this being played too often but it can be put into a special warlock deck. Glad to see theyre adding at least a couple of warlock cards that arent auto-included in zoo or handlock