- You do not gain Excess Mana if it is played when you are at 10 Mana Crystals. (Source)
Battlecry: Gain an empty Mana Crystal.
Deathrattle: Lose a Mana Crystal.
She loves mana crystals, she hates mana crystals. So fickle!
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I love that saber cat, it's so beautiful and calm.
too bad the golden flower thing covers its face
The Beach Boys - Surf's Up
Don't use this with Baron Rivendare
Nice combo with Brann Bronzebeard.
Those legs!
The golden animation makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. <3 <3 <3
One of the best things to play into Mirror Entity or Freezing Trap... and one of the worst things to get from your Piloted Shredder.
Why this is 2\3 and Cutpurse is 2\2? Possible coin is better then guaranteed ramp?
because this card is better than cutpurse?
And that's why it has 5 stats and Cutpurse only 4. Seems legit!
This card's ramp is not garaunteed unless you silence it. This has 1 more health than cutpurse because with cutpurse you can save your 1 mana advantage per turn for whenever you need it, whereas with this card you get it straight away - use it or lose it.
Also Cutpurse activates your combo cards.
This cerd is shit... moving on
this comment is shit... moving on
This Card is changing my whole druid deck 6-0 in 45 mins!
This card is 50% just river croc, other 50% you gain huge tempo lead. Not overrated to me.
FUCK! I got this clown off shredder like 10 times today cock blocking my dr skill or tirion turn.