Garrison Commander

Card Text
You can use your Hero Power twice a turn.
Flavor Text
He'll never admit it, but he pushes you hard because he really cares about you.
Card Sounds
You can use your Hero Power twice a turn.
He'll never admit it, but he pushes you hard because he really cares about you.
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It's interesting to see old Hero Power cards from TGT like this guy and Frost Giant pop up in Wild even decks. Steamwheedle Sniper also gets a chance to shine in Even Hunter!
Just FYI. This doesn't work well with Shadowreaper Anduin. I hoped it would let you HP twice for every card you play, but you get one or the other refresh on your HP, not both. For example, if you play Garrison Commander and then Anduin, you can HP twice right away (using GC's power). If you follow it with Circle of Healing, you get one more activation (from Anduin). GC doesn't let you HP yet again.
Good addition to any deck with Uther of the Ebon Blade in Wild. You can even put it in with 2 Youthful Brewmaster to bounce 2 DIFFERENT Horseman back into your hand to ensure that you will be able to pull off the combo.
I think this won't be used at all, after the new expansion, just my opinion tho
Get ready Garrison Commander! You'really finna lyrics going to see play with Raza the Chained! I can't wait to pull off a crazy combo with this guy Sir Finley Mrrgglton and Kodorider on turn 9 that gives me 5 3/5 minions, a 2/3 and a 1/3 out of an empty board!
justicar huntards rule ...
Ive had this card in my Soul Priest Control deck for a while. hitting Justicar, then getting an Achenai + Garrison Commander on turn 10 deals 8 damage to face.
I hate the Golden animation
Then don't craft it or DE it
probably not the best idea
Unless absolutely terrible (which this one is definitely not), 100 dust can be gathered in no time at all whereas getting an epic card back in case of regret is very unlikely, or will cost you a great deal.
Shouldn't; this have some kind of clarification "While this is in your board" or something?
unless it's a battlecry all minions work that way
sorry but the art of this card is not very good.
Someone would may even say it sucks!
Do I really need 2 of these? Can I DE one of them and not regret it? :)
I'd keep it, unless you're desperate to craft something
does anyone else notice that his face looks like a potato that someone stepped on?
I can't unsee it now. :(