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Spies in Outland must blend into the environment. That means hot-pink gear and bright green hair. It’s a weird place.
Spies in Outland must blend into the environment. That means hot-pink gear and bright green hair. It’s a weird place.
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No one mentioned her voice tagline on summoning? "Ho in the shadows!" Yes, even Blizzard is aware how many people will be abusing this poor outland refugee. At least she seems to enjoy what she does.
*Laughs in great trade potensial*
People were already considering running Worgen Infiltrator to trigger Greyheart Sage. This stealth package is an auto-include in galakrond/value rogue.
Worgen Infiltrator and Twisted Worgen have left the chat
Probably my favorite card design of the set (not talking about the art; which is fine I guess).
seems really strong for any rogue deck. That's a one-drop that is almost unkillable and it can take care of pretty much every 2-drop. that minion is nuts....
"almost unkillable"
it dies to literally any aoe
i guess i was not clear: i meant when played on turn 1/2. ofc there is still aoe that can kill it, but there aren't a lot of AOE played that cost super little.
agreed, it dies easily to AOE, but considering how much this minion has seen play competitively and been whacking face or killing 2-drops ... i think it's fair to assume that this pet almost always only died to AOE when played in later turns. not always, because there is the occasional 1-mana or 2-mana aoe being played, but again, that's rare.
So this is a 1 mana 3/1, huh? First time I see one.
you broke Dust Devil s hearth
Oh yeah, I need to apologize. Never had to face one.
its normal, he got used to it :(
Seems really strong for any aggressive rogue deck.
Seems really strong for any Rogue deck.