Reliquary of Souls

Card Text
Deathrattle: Shuffle
'Reliquary Prime'
into your deck.
Flavor Text
These three represent Anger, Desire, and Suffering. Much like raid night guild chat.
Deathrattle: Shuffle
'Reliquary Prime'
into your deck.
These three represent Anger, Desire, and Suffering. Much like raid night guild chat.
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Ok but hear me out, Priest is really only losing cleric for card draw. It's not like their aren't other card draw in the game. If you really want to you could have tons of card draw.
Golden Version incoming.
That scary boss =O
Not being able to be removed outside of minion and hero damage is nice, but its so slow.
You cant chunk up your hands with buffs in hopes of drawing this and it surviving a turn so you can buff it.
Yea but this card is already good even without buffs. It's big taunt, untargetable and has life steal. That's not bad.
Zeon7 never recovered from his mental breakdown after he changed name tag that's why he made that comment not his fault
This art is sick
is this gonna be any good?
There is too much tempo in the game right now for 7 mana cost taunt minions
Seems pretty awesome, really, once you go through the motions of getting the Prime drawn and can buff or heal it.
This is what Shimmering Courser wanted to be, but never could.
By Gandalfs beard!
I am so gonna use this one in my Deathrattle N'Zoth Priest deck!
I can see how the removal of Divine Spirit was necessary.
Is that serious?
Only you can prevent forest fires?
the art is fantastic! the prime version is where?
Where is the tokens card ?