The Lurker Below

Card Text
Battlecry: Deal 3 damage
to an enemy minion. If it
dies, repeat on one of
its neighbors.
Flavor Text
"Throw it back! THROW IT BACK!"
Battlecry: Deal 3 damage
to an enemy minion. If it
dies, repeat on one of
its neighbors.
"Throw it back! THROW IT BACK!"
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After using this card in several games (as Galakrond Shaman), this is a very underrated card with a very nice effect. I think of it more of a Shaman's answer to Lord Godfrey, a card that sees extensive play in all Control Warlock builds. The uneven stat line can be forgiven for a board clear that has no Overload penalty (which is extremely valuable in Shaman decks) and you have to balance out how to make the most out of the Battlecry. Just remember to always start from either the far left or the far right for maximum effect.
Didnt they said that this would be a beast?
Ok I can confirm now how this works with the quest:
Say your opponents board looks like this(only health values): 4 1 1 2 2 3.
Now: Ofc you could hp and drop Lurker below and target the 4 health to the left side and the second battlecry would kill the entire board. But what I wanted to know was if this also works if you target the right side minion so that in case your opponents board WOULD look like this:
1 1 4 1 1 3
that I can simply target the right side minion so that the first battlecry goes up to the 4 health minion and stops there, leaving it with 1 HP, then starting at the right side again and killing everything now. However this didn't go as planned: Since the minions are actually dead already, the second battlecry hits the 3 health minion again but since it doesnt "die again" it stops right there. That means its overall a bit weaker than I had hoped but still against this aggro DH meta its pretty much a full clear 90% of the time, even when they have Antaen as long as its on one side of the board. Priestess of Fury is a bit tricky but if you can squeeze in an invoke and get a 2/1 rush youre fine again.
Overall this card in the current meta works a lot better than I expected. 4 Stars
Hmm I just don't see it. The effect isn't all that great to be paying 6 for a 6/3. I mean 3hp... that is really bad.
Unless you're playing it against a bunch of tokens and it just becomes a discount Flamestrike on legs.
They said this would have Beast tag.
Something between Rolling Fireball and Leap Frog
Spellbreaker died.... from this
Basically, it's a mix between Fire Elemental and Herald of Flame.
Will there be 3 damage for a third time, If the second minions dies?
I would say no, but I'm not sure, if understand it correctly.
Let's say I have a board full of 2/2 Treants. If they play this, I have no board left.
Gigant bulky monstruous fish, just 3hp... this is even more ridiculous than khadgar 2/2
Nothing will ever top Yogg-Saron, Hope's End dying to a single Fireball.
Since this doesn't say random anywhere, can I just assume it's targeted every time?
I assume you can target the first minion but not to which side the next 3 damage goes.
Looks like a decent card but not super strong. maybe for a quest shaman or shudderwock variant in wild