Sharp-Eyed Seeker

Card Text
Battlecry: If there is a card in your deck that didn't start there, draw it.
Flavor Text
If you give it treats, it will give you shiny objects!
Battlecry: If there is a card in your deck that didn't start there, draw it.
If you give it treats, it will give you shiny objects!
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Wow this could really work in a druid deck
for example:
What about son of hodir?
3 for draw a card that you put there... I like this. With so many cards that produce another card, or even something as simple as The Sunwell to fill your hand and then dropping Sir Finley, Sea Guide this will be used in a number of control/combo decks
Hmm... So it could draw all the 'sins' from the Symphony of Sins.. Interesting..
Wait I'm confused, does it just draw one card or any that didn't start in your deck? I'm inclined to think that has to be just 1, but taking the wording strictly would lead me to think that all of them are drawn (which would be too OP, imo).
In standart this minion will improve a lot my undead/beast hunter with Fizzle :)
reminds me of shuffle rogue, but this will have other tutor purpose.
Also rivendare
Olgra, Fizzle, Purified Shard, C'thun Metas.
tutors Fizzle's Snapshot
Could've been called Shard-Eyed Seeker. Tutor your Purified Shard in wild.