Eonar, the Life-Binder

Card Text
After this uses an ability,
summon a 5/5 Ancient
with Taunt.
Flavor Text
Protector of all living things, she once saved the nascent world-soul of Azeroth from annihilation. It seems mercy was her greatest wisdom.
😍 beautiful
This is like Reno+Kun on steroids , wtf are these cards...
10 mana for 10/12 in stats, an ability that depending on the situation could make you as the opponent instantly hate Druid, and leave you in a good position to drop something else? Uh yeah, this has nerf written all over it.
The idea of dropping the 5/7 for 10 mana is icky... but when you trigger it's ability to refresh your mana you instantly get a 5/5 taunt for board presence. Then you get to play another 10-11 mana worth of cards. Its like Kun on steroids.
Good with Thaddius and Anub'Rekhan.
Insanely slow. 10 mana do nothing for a turn? Not going to happen.
You can use the effects when they are played and every time they could attack. The abilities are:
- "Draw cards until your hand is full"
- "Restore your hero to full health"
- "Refresh your mana crystals"
I'm almost sure they don't get summoning sickness, so at least you get 1 effect off. It looks like they get some blueish aura while they have Titan powers available instead of the normal or rush green one. Eonar is busted, It will make we miss Ultimate Infestation.
Dude, it's a 10 mana 10 12 with partial taunt that heals yourself to full and needs to be killed by the next turn. Oh yeah and it's on the best class that's also known to ramp to 10 mana early. What more do you want?
10 / 12 Refresh your mana crystals is already better than 7/7 Kun.
Where did you find the info on abilities?
Yeah it's absoluety insane. I wish guff was still around lmao
This one will end up nerfed