Forge of Wills

Card Text
Choose a friendly minion. Summon a Giant with its stats and Rush.
Flavor Text
Standing in the Forge of Wills fills you with a sense of DETERMINATION.
Choose a friendly minion. Summon a Giant with its stats and Rush.
Standing in the Forge of Wills fills you with a sense of DETERMINATION.
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too funny still not nerfed lmfaooooooo devs you useIess fooIs
Just wanted to chime in, toboro1, and acknowledge you were right! Only took them about 9 months to get to it.
still not nerfed btw braindead devs btw
its amazing how blatantly broken this thing is while the devs do nothing about it.. honestly its really funny to think that they created this, looked at it and said "HMM NOTHING WRONG HERE!" it goes to show you just how useless the devs are when they think this thing is balanced.
insanely broken everyone knows this.. def needs to be nerfed next patch..
I'm about to summon Azeroth's smallest Giant
I love this... great for control or maintain tempo. 10/10
Feels bad they nerfed Construct Quarter. Maybe revert the nerf or put it t 3 mana 2 uses also.
Why should we rebuff a broken card just because this is also broken?
This is nuts. Jailer Warlock is definitely going to be a thing now, and it's solid even with smaller minions.
Just more Jailer in general with how Titans work, but yes this is OP in Jailer Warlock
We've seen stuff like this, and it's broken.
omg this card