E.T.C., Band Manager

Card Text
While building your deck,
assemble a band of 3 cards.
Battlecry: Discover one!
Flavor Text
"This next band features the one and only M.C. Tech on the drums, the fungal king of the keyboard Loatheb, and the showstopping vocal chops of Spellbreaker!"
Something that I think gets a bit overlooked with this card is that it can get around deck building requirements. With Darkbishop Benedictus moving into Standard, this means you could sneak in a key Holy spell with E.T.C., such as the new legendary spell, Love Everlasting.
Another discovery is that ETC won't accept incompatible Rune cards in Death Knight.
Wait, if I put C'thun the Shattered into the side deck, can I Discover it with ETC and just plop into my hand without me having to use the Pieces?
At the very least, in an Even deck, you can sneak in ODD cards!
Damn, he fell off.
Where does the other 2 go? are they already in the deck? What?
Play it with Zola the Gorgon: Infinite hand of playing ETC followed by Zola every turn.
Options are consumed from the pool, if you play etc a second time, it will show the other 2 options.
I have a question: what happens to the discovered cards that aren’t chosen for ETC’s battlecry….? Do they go back into the deck or do they disappear and you can’t access them ever?
You can't access them other than through ETC's battlecry, so the only way you access multiple cards is through repeating the battlecry.
Thinking about it a bit more he's an interesting tech card against Theotar. If you had the option would you steal him? You don't know what cards he has inside (and never will) and he's rubbish on his own when you play him.
That being the case he might be a way to protect a key combo piece till you need it.
Pretty nutty. If your deck would include a ten mana minion, I don't see there being much reason to run the minion itself over just including this guy.
Its rare you haven't drawn a ten mana minion by turn ten, playing the 4/4 body, even though it's not optional, is still a upside in comparison to playing the minion itself.
Build your own Astalor Bloodsworn
Most interesting card in many expansions in my opinion. I would think that anyone who loves deckbuilding would be interested in this card. Seems to be an auto-include in any non-aggro deck. I'm assuming the card count limit still applies for cards chosen for the band as if it is extension of the deck (could be wrong). I'm also assuming you could put Renethal in the band and still get the effect. Worth noting that the cards chosen can be any card, including hero cards, weapons, locations, spells, and of course, minions. Decent cost for the effect. Curious how this would work in Arena, if not banned. I can see myself using it often to store 2 tech cards and one card that's more versatile. The Battlecry could also be abused to get multiple copies of legendary cards or combo pieces.
One of the best card ever specially in reno decks.... Just play it and get a tech card.. Or even a late game winner
If your opponent steals your E.T.C., Band Manager will they get to choose from your sideboard when it's played? I suspect not (based on a similar exerpience with Souleater's Scythe) but you never know.
No. ETC is decided by your deck. If you Discover/generate/steal ETC, you're offered nothing unless you run ETC yourself, in which case you're offered your ETC sideboard.
[unrelated, but relevant - if you replay/retrigger ETC's Battlecry, you're forced to pick among the options you haven't chosen yet]
Any time you need a tech card for the late game, such a Theotar, then you will run this instead.
Perfect to put some tech cards without ruining your deck, or one of your combo pieces, excellent.