
Card Text
Destroy a minion. Restore its Health to all friendly characters.
Flavor Text
The Silvermoon health inspector has some choice words for the Lich King.
Destroy a minion. Restore its Health to all friendly characters.
The Silvermoon health inspector has some choice words for the Lich King.
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Drown didn't provide survivability
Finally, something to remove that sticky 4 attack 😍
Drown could easily do it before and still not playable enough.
A bit slow but it's unconditional removal and heals. It will certainly see play.
Definitely an arena bomb, huge early swing potential
Only in arena, in ladder it could be played not in the deck, buit as a conditional discover.
Awful. Extremely inefficient removal and won't heal for much against the aggro and burn decks where you need the healing.