Murozond the Infinite

Card Text
Battlecry: Play all cards your opponent played last turn.
Flavor Text
"Well, I'm glad YOU knew what I should be doing this turn."
Battlecry: Play all cards your opponent played last turn.
"Well, I'm glad YOU knew what I should be doing this turn."
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This card is bugged or it is just awful? It doesnt trigger enemy battlecryes, it just summon the minions without doing their battecry. And the same goes for galakrond hero cards, just nothing happend.
Dumb card.
"You think this is your time!? But it was me Dio!"
Murozond Has a lot better art than this...
One of the most no-skill cards in the game. Like literally the pinnacle of "no skill" play. Your opponent made an outstanding play last turn and wrecked you so hard and you can't make a comeback? Don't worry. Just play this buddo and he'll do all the work for you because here at Hearthstone we believe in rewarding players for sucking (but having legendaries!) and punishing your opponents for playing well.
To be honest the RNG also matters but overall what I said above is the vibe this card gives off. Punish people for playing well and reward people who have legendaries.
This card is actually pretty crap.
Card text should read something like "casts spells and summons minions your opponent played last turn"
Minions aren't played they are summoned.
Without the battlecrys and random targets for spells my experience has been it's pretty useless.
see him on togwaggle priest deck where he is used to cast King's Ransom. little did he know i have Zul'jin in hand
This is nice tech against this deck. It has frustrated me to no end.
"No U" ~Priest that Pyroblast his Own Face
I'm just glad Murozond is finally a card.
You guys are insane, this card is bonkers busted. If you tempo this on turn 8 you do exactly what your opponent did on turn 7 plus get an 8/8 body. Thats adding a 7 mana body to whatever your opponent did last turn. The only time it can bad to play this is when your opponent skips their last turn, plays damage dealing spells that can rng hurt you, or has lethal on board, otherwise its insanely powerful. Easy example is stealing an opponents galakrond effect, its insane. It doesn't make just an insane swing turn but can also duplicate any opponents combo that doesn't lethal you.
snip-snap combo ?
8 mana 8/8 is a great body, but the card is the epitome of situational. Still, the art is awesome and I love to play big "no you" effects.
I shouldn't, but I probably will find some hair-brained reason to craft it.
It’s actually bad because u have to wait until your Opp plays some good combos u can profit equaly. Otherwise you just Tempo out a 8/8/8 body. I think this is just a value target if you grab it by discover
Priest has been a joke ever since DK with raza got nerfed
What the actual fuck. Is this just Tess without a build-around?