Vast Wisdom
Card Text
Discover two spells that cost (3) or less. Swap their Costs.
Flavor Text
My wisdom is SO vast that I can count up to THREE!
Discover two spells that cost (3) or less. Swap their Costs.
My wisdom is SO vast that I can count up to THREE!
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the value, man!
Switching the cost doesnt really matter a great deal on spells 3 mana or less. You might enable some comedy combo if you get a 0 mana spell and a good 3 mana one, but I just don't see this being a relevant part of this spell.
Discover 2 low cost spells is OK - depends on the pool size for the consistency
The swap cost might help keep tempo... turn 4 do nothing feels bad, but if you can also cast a secret for 1 mana... that feels better. Then you have a extra card if the game goes late enough.
This is bliss for Open the Waygate decks in Wild
not really. in quest mage we rely on Coins and bisquits. thats it. brann into "add a coin to your hand" into coin coin into "add a coin to your hand" into coin coin into the naga Commander into coin coin coin coin coin coin :D
probably for spell generation in decks that might reduce cost anyways so the switching of the costs does not matter a lot