Gnomeregan Infantry

Card Text
Flavor Text
The gnomes are valiant and ready to return to their irradiated, poorly ventilated homeland!
Card Sounds
The gnomes are valiant and ready to return to their irradiated, poorly ventilated homeland!
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There are very few taunt minions that have instant offensive effect. Druid of the Claw is strong because it can do taunt or charge. This little guy has too low attack to do anything though. It seems to work with Hobgoblin but Hobgoblin didn't do quite well in recent tournaments. So let's keep this as a passable ARENA card.
I see what you did there, Blizzard. Trying to pull a priest aggro deck.
First is that 2/1 minion with battlecry damage. Then Velen's Chosen. Now this.
Please, please, please, yell, "For Gnomeregan!" when you are played.
That is indeed his rallying cry when played:
He also yells "For the Gnomes!" when attacking.
Haha awesome art!
I don't know why but I almost think this ties with the new healbot in the cuteness race :P so adorable!
Wooo! Priest now has a One Turn Kill combo:
1. Gnomeregan Infantry (3) - 1/4
2. Power Word: Shieldx2 (2) - 1/8
3. Divine Spiritx2 (4) - 2/32
4. Inner Fire (1) - 32/32
LOL OTK is back!
Silverback Patriarch calls powercreep on this one
well, powercreep doesnt mean "card XX is better than card YY".
If Ragnaros is better than Silverback, that's not powercreeping.
Powercreep is if 2 minions are overall the same, but one is a bit better.
Like Dr. Boom and War Golem for example
Dr Boom is a legendary. That has nothing to do with War Golem, a non legendary.
Honestly, Gnomeregan Infantry doesn't need taunt in the first place since it IS a charge card. I never understand the need for taunt with charge cards. With Al'Akir, +1 damage is much more relevant than freaking taunt.
It's... iffy. I mean, Silverback has its advatage, but only with Hunter and Druid (don't see its use with Druid though). With any other class, it has nothing. Honestly, taunt should be removed from Gnomeregan Infantry and be done with it. That's all that needs to happen.