Siege Engine

Card Text
Whenever you gain Armor, give this minion +1 Attack.
Flavor Text
Wintergrasp Keep's only weakness!
Card Sounds
Whenever you gain Armor, give this minion +1 Attack.
Wintergrasp Keep's only weakness!
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add this to the long list of cards i completely forgot existed since they came out
as a FYI with Brawl 30# (Deathrattle, Battlecry, Murloc or Spell) this card does not gain attack when you cast a spell (and therefore gain armor) if you picked the spell option.
Give it charge and we have a deal !
Can present heavy pressure on board, incredibly good with Armorsmith + Whirlwind combo, but it's way too slow compared to Frothing Berserker + Warsong Commander + Grim Patron combo.
Dream Combo: T5 This played with Mechwarper , Armorsmith and at least 2 minions, then Whirlwind, become a 10/4.
It will be far better if it was a 3 3/3 or 4 4/4...
Not a bad card by any means, but outclassed by other 5-drops — Sludge Belcher, Loatheb, even Harrison Jones.
Good card on paper, for a mid-range warrior deck, otherwise like frothing berzerker, too slow to be useful
Wouldn't it be funny if Siege Engine used the Siege Tank's quotes from the StarCraft franchise?
"Ready to roll out!"
"Need something blown up?"
"Got no patience for sitting around!"
Nice synergy but not sure I like it starting at a 5/5, could prefer it starting lower and costing less... but oh well.
So with this, an Amorsmith and a Frothing Berserker on the board you basicaly forfeit your turn if you play a Whirlwind? The animations in a warrior deck are already crazy long sometimes.
I think it will get +1 attack for shield block or any type of armour gain, except maybe Armorsmith because it gives you several instances of armour,