Card Clarifications
- Deathrattles are triggered, not removed. They will still go off should the minion die normally. (Source)
Trigger all Deathrattles on your minions.
The hardest part about doing a "Feign Death" convincingly is learning how to make the right smell. It takes a lot of commitment.
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Blizz got mad.
You're probably not very familiar with TCG games then, or even Hearthstone for that matter. Abilities can be triggered multiple times.
Does Wild Pyromancer, Knife Juggler, Gadgetzan Auctioneer, etc lose their ability after the first time you trigger their effect? No.
You are incorrect. The deathrattles remain on the cards after the FD trigger.
#42 No, that's not what it means, the actual meaning of trigger is "An event that precipitates other events."
I was going solely on the card text, and none of the cards you mention use the word 'trigger' in their description. However, I'll admit that I'm obviously wrong on this one as I had not seen the official release from Ben Brode.
for 2 mana way to op agro hunter plays only deathrathle minions if this card doesnt destroy your minons its way to op imagine loothoarder ,leper gnome ,spider ,mad sicientist even highmane
save these when you get them.. expect full disenchant value short after launch.
Blizzard what is wrong with you?Another op card for hunter?Seriously?
It's called "Feign Death", of course your minions don't get killed by this. Their Deathrattles just go off as though they had died. A niche card, but incredibly powerful in that niche.
Reincarnate has the trouble of not being able to activate a deathrattle and attack on the same turn (due to summoning sickness). This card on the other hand, can be used before attacking with the minion, like Sylvanas Windrunner, stealing two minions on the same turn. :D
This don't kill you minons it just triggers the death rattle so egg has added value
Does the card say 'kill your minions with deathrattle'? Do you know what the word Feign means and why the card is titled Feign Death? ugh...
It looks like the card causes all deathrattle abilities on your minions to trigger, but does not destroy/damage/heal them at all.
So if you have a Sylvanas Windrunner and a Cairne Bloodhoof out, this card says "Take control of a random enemy minion, summon a 4/5 Baine Bloodhoof"
God I love this card, wish it wasn't class specific though. :(
Me too Horrawr, me too :(
Reincarnate looks poorly compared to this one....
Reincarnate gives you 2 deathrattle, this card only one. Once triggered deathrattle no longer triggers on minion death
Not only that, but if this works with Baron Rivendare, triggering all Deathrattles twice... It will be interesting for sure, no clue about if it would be doable though. Just a fun thought.
I think this card might be harmful to the hunter if they were trying to create a separate viable deck type, this makes the same old build MORE appealing.
basically AoE reincarnate. Super solid.