Its a preying mantis thing! Zoom in, you can see the extra limb and long mantis body... extra frightening for a guy, when you are on the menu when you get what you are after!
Yeah... umm, Why exactly are all of Ysera's dream cards sporting the Hunter team colors? Wouldn't it make more sense to be neutral, or if they had the time, a unique frame?
The "worst" dream card from Ysera, and it's *still* insane value. Even tho at that stage of the game it may be lack-luster, it's still a 3/5 body that has to be dealt with minions. And if you have set-up cards like Defender of Argus or Sunfury Protector, it's a great wall as well.
I just realized... she's half deer. Her attack quote is a pun. D:<
Its a preying mantis thing! Zoom in, you can see the extra limb and long mantis body... extra frightening for a guy, when you are on the menu when you get what you are after!
It's a dryad.....
It appears to me like this card was originally designed to have a Taunt. Maybe it was too good and was nerfed during pre-alpha.
Now that I have had a closer look.
She scares the shit out of me.
"A natural mistake"
Yeah... umm, Why exactly are all of Ysera's dream cards sporting the Hunter team colors? Wouldn't it make more sense to be neutral, or if they had the time, a unique frame?
The "worst" dream card from Ysera, and it's *still* insane value. Even tho at that stage of the game it may be lack-luster, it's still a 3/5 body that has to be dealt with minions. And if you have set-up cards like Defender of Argus or Sunfury Protector, it's a great wall as well.
I realy think she's in love with me, she always comes back to me...
I got like triple laughing sister from Ysera and a night mare, Ysera was alive only for 4 turns
Still not sure if you're sarcastic or not. "only" 4 turns ? You're lucky to have her for 4 freaking turns !
Guys look at the color around the of a hunter card!
The worst dream card, and it's not even close.