The Fires of Zin-Azshari
Card Text
Replace your deck with minions that cost (5) or more. They cost (5).
Flavor Text
One heck of a hot tub.
Replace your deck with minions that cost (5) or more. They cost (5).
One heck of a hot tub.
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Mistermath's Card Ratings for Voyage to the Sunken City:
This is interestingly similar to Deck of Lunacy. I'm not sure how to rate it, as even though it sees no play as of writing, the card surely has potential. Currently, though, it's overshadowed because warrior prefers to run either Kazakusan or the Brann Bronzebeard+Zola the Gorgon+Ambassador Faelin combo as their deck-replacers. The Fires of Zin-Azshari notably sucks in the lategame, and unlike Prince Keleseth, it doesn't provide any tempo - and unlike Deck of Lunacy, not every card created will have a significant discount. Given the uncertainty, I'm just going to put this in the middle of the pack.
Does this include other class minions?