Card Text
Colossal +1. Battlecry:
Devour all enemy minions.
Deathrattle: Spit them
back out.
Flavor Text
How much storage does Gigafin's Maw have? About a giga bite.
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I feel like the devour part shouldn't trigger deathrattles. Only after the Maw is destroyed. Devouring to me sounds like they're just held in place outside the board, similar to how Anachronos works.
Mistermath's Card Ratings for Voyage to the Sunken City:
Gigafin looks like a tough card to rate at first, due to the volatility of its effect. However, something important to realize is that it is, at minimum, a 7/4 and a 4/7 taunt, which is about the value of a 4 and 5 drop, respectively. From there, it's all upside, and boy is this a lot of upside if your opponent lacks removal or if you can safely sacrifice Gigafin's Maw. As a solid card on-rate with lots of synergy potential given all its text, 7/10 is a reasonable place to put it.
Even if they do have immediate removal, it still removes all buffs those minions might have had, notably Ivus. It also prevents non-rush/charge minions from attacking that turn, essentially freezing those minions for a turn
A valid point, and I'm glad you bring it up - the reason why I didn't mention this minor upside is that it's arguably counteracted by all the "on summon" effects that act as minor downsides to the ability. I'm sure you've seen either from your own play or from clips something like it - probably most famous is when gigafin eats one or more Mecha-Shark and a bunch of other mechs but then immediately gets Fireball'd, resulting in the warlock player losing to a bunch of burst damage.
That is a valid counter point
is this bug if you play this he devout deathrattles they doesnt trigger so why the hell is my oponent priest get midas fragments and 6 mana elemental heals ? yes i killed maw
imagine the salt getting this off of Murloc Knight
It's surely an interesting card. A hard punisher for decks not playing direct damage. One also just kill their own maw, but that would also take away the strongest body.
Is the maw supposed to be his asshole? Gigafin's Maw I don't get it
Now I just need to RNG one of these up while playing purify Priest
He's a hungry Gigachad.
On paper this card is strong, it's an 8 Mana 11/11 that wipes only your opponent's board. But since the main body of Gigafin has only 4 Health, if your opponent has a removal spell it can be easily targeted and killed that way
A warlock should have no issue killing it themselves. Seems like a good board clear option.
It's overall an amazing design these Colossal Minions. But why is this not for Shaman... It was an amazing way to give the tribe Murloc something unique.
My fear is that they will give "Murloc" support for Warlock. They should listen more to the community. They have to make designs that will rise the power and upsides of an class. Instead of mixing it all together.
This set design is overall absolutely outstanding from other set releases. Also the trailer was very promising and well thought.
But there will always be criticism or something we don't like about their designs.
I'm looking forward to these colossal minions, dredge and Nagas. All my favorite things in one set 🌊💙.
I know they dont design around wild, but probably shudderwock is the reason shaman didnt get it, thatd be a nasty card to add to the shudderwock loop.
The cards do be exciting tho haha